The LT®3092 is a programmable 2-terminal current
source. It requires only two resistors to set an output
current between 0.5mA and 200mA. A multitude of analog
techniques lend themselves to actively programming the
output current. The LT3092 is stable without input and
output capacitors, offering high DC and AC impedance. This
feature allows operation in intrinsically safe applications.
The SET pin features 1% initial accuracy and low temperature
coeffi cient. Current regulation is better than
10ppm/V from 1.5V to 40V.
The LT3092 can operate in a 2-terminal current source
confi guration in series with signal lines. It is ideal for driving
sensors, remote supplies, and as a precision current
limiter for local supplies.
source. It requires only two resistors to set an output
current between 0.5mA and 200mA. A multitude of analog
techniques lend themselves to actively programming the
output current. The LT3092 is stable without input and
output capacitors, offering high DC and AC impedance. This
feature allows operation in intrinsically safe applications.
The SET pin features 1% initial accuracy and low temperature
coeffi cient. Current regulation is better than
10ppm/V from 1.5V to 40V.
The LT3092 can operate in a 2-terminal current source
confi guration in series with signal lines. It is ideal for driving
sensors, remote supplies, and as a precision current
limiter for local supplies.
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