Application Guide Snubber Capacitors
Snubbers are any of several simple energy absorbing circuits used to eliminate voltage spikes
caused by circuit inductance when a switch — either mechanical or semi-conductor—opens. The object
of the snubber is to eliminate the voltage transient and ringing that occurs when the switch opens by providing an alternate path for the current flowing through the circuit’s intrinsic leakage inductance.
Snubbers in switchmode power supplies provideone or more of these three valuable functions:
Snubbers are any of several simple energy absorbing circuits used to eliminate voltage spikes
caused by circuit inductance when a switch — either mechanical or semi-conductor—opens. The object
of the snubber is to eliminate the voltage transient and ringing that occurs when the switch opens by providing an alternate path for the current flowing through the circuit’s intrinsic leakage inductance.
Snubbers in switchmode power supplies provideone or more of these three valuable functions:
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