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2022-05-25 | zip | 0.05 MB | 次下载 | 免费


授权协议 MIT
开发语言 Ruby
软件类型 开源软件


vimdb 是一个用来模拟单个数据库的 Vim 插件。

增加你精确查找vim的元素的速度以及对vim的一些了解:keys(keybindings)、可选项、命令。vimdb是vim默认的items,一个在你的vimrc,一个在插件里。vimdb的插件只要检测到你在用pathogen-like安装,就会生效。例如,每个插件都有自己的目录,在~ /.vim/bundle/(见下面的目录结构变化)。在mac下测试的 vim> = 7.2。只有在ruby1.9.x下才会起作用。


$ gem install vimdb

基本查询不同的vim items的基本用法:

# List keys with Ctrl
$ vimdb keys C-
| key           | mode | from                | desc                                    |
| 0 C-d         | i    | default             | delete all indent in the current line   |
|        | i    | default             | cursor past end of fil                  |
|        | n    | default             | 1  same as "G"                          |
|       | i    | default             | cursor to start of file                 |
|       | n    | default             | 1  same as "gg"                         |
|       | n    | default             | 1  same as "b"                          |
262 rows in set

# List options that contain word 'window' in any field
$ vimdb options window -a
| name           | alias  | desc                                               |
| autochdir      | acd    | change directory to the file in the current window |
| bufhidden      | bh     | what to do when buffer is no longer in window      |
| cedit          |        | key used to open the command-line window           |
| cmdwinheight   | cwh    | height of the command-line window                  |
| cscopequickfix | csqf   | use quickfix window for cscope results             |
| cursorbind     | crb    | move cursor in window as it moves in other windows |
| diff           |        | use diff mode for the current window               |
| equalalways    | ea     | windows are automatically made the same size       |
| guiheadroom    | ghr    | GUI: pixels room for window decorations            |
| helpheight     | hh     | minimum height of a new help window                |
| icon           |        | let Vim set the text of the window icon            |
30 rows in set

# Search for commands from pathogen plugin
$ vimdb commands pathogen -f=from
| name     | alias | from                | desc                                                |
| Helptags |       | pathogen.vim plugin | :call pathogen#helptags()                           |
| Ve       |       | pathogen.vim plugin | :execute s:find(,'edit',,0)    |
| Vedit    |       | pathogen.vim plugin | :execute s:find(,'edit',,0)    |
| Vopen    |       | pathogen.vim plugin | :execute s:find(,'edit',,1)    |
| Vpedit   |       | pathogen.vim plugin | :execute s:find(,'pedit',,1)   |
| Vread    |       | pathogen.vim plugin | :execute s:find(,'read',,1)    |
| Vsplit   |       | pathogen.vim plugin | :execute s:find(,'split',,1)   |
| Vtabedit |       | pathogen.vim plugin | :execute s:find(,'tabedit',,1) |
| Vvsplit  |       | pathogen.vim plugin | :execute s:find(,'vsplit',,1)  |
9 rows in set

# Info about how a vim item is made
$ vimdb info keys
Created using index.txt and :map

# For a list of all commands
$ vimdb

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