在16.1 节中,我们讨论了情感分析的问题。该任务旨在将单个文本序列分类为预定义的类别,例如一组情感极性。然而,当需要决定一个句子是否可以从另一个句子推断出来,或者通过识别语义等同的句子来消除冗余时,知道如何对一个文本序列进行分类是不够的。相反,我们需要能够对成对的文本序列进行推理。
自然语言推理也称为识别文本蕴含任务。例如,下面的一对将被标记为 蕴涵,因为假设中的“示爱”可以从前提中的“互相拥抱”中推导出来。
下面是一个矛盾的例子,因为“running the coding example”表示“not sleeping”而不是“sleeping”。
前提:一个人正在运行来自 Dive into Deep Learning 的编码示例。
16.4.2。斯坦福自然语言推理 (SNLI) 数据集
斯坦福自然语言推理 (SNLI) 语料库是超过 500000 个带标签的英语句子对的集合 (Bowman等人,2015 年)。我们将提取的 SNLI 数据集下载并存储在路径中../data/snli_1.0
Downloading ../data/snli_1.0.zip from https://nlp.stanford.edu/projects/snli/snli_1.0.zip...。读取数据集
原始 SNLI 数据集包含的信息比我们在实验中真正需要的信息丰富得多。因此,我们定义了一个函数read_snli
def read_snli(data_dir, is_train):
"""Read the SNLI dataset into premises, hypotheses, and labels."""
def extract_text(s):
# Remove information that will not be used by us
s = re.sub('\\(', '', s)
s = re.sub('\\)', '', s)
# Substitute two or more consecutive whitespace with space
s = re.sub('\\s{2,}', ' ', s)
return s.strip()
label_set = {'entailment': 0, 'contradiction': 1, 'neutral': 2}
file_name = os.path.join(data_dir, 'snli_1.0_train.txt'
if is_train else 'snli_1.0_test.txt')
with open(file_name, 'r') as f:
rows = [row.split('\t') for row in f.readlines()[1:]]
premises = [extract_text(row[1]) for row in rows if row[0] in label_set]
hypotheses = [extract_text(row[2]) for row in rows if row[0] in label_set]
labels = [label_set[row[0]] for row in rows if row[0] in label_set]
return premises, hypotheses, labels
def read_snli(data_dir, is_train):
"""Read the SNLI dataset into premises, hypotheses, and labels."""
def extract_text(s):
# Remove information that will not be used by us
s = re.sub('\\(', '', s)
s = re.sub('\\)', '', s)
# Substitute two or more consecutive whitespace with space
s = re.sub('\\s{2,}', ' ', s)
return s.strip()
label_set = {'entailment': 0, 'contradiction': 1, 'neutral': 2}
file_name = os.path.join(data_dir, 'snli_1.0_train.txt'
if is_train else 'snli_1.0_test.txt')
with open(file_name, 'r') as f:
rows = [row.split('\t') for row in f.readlines()[1:]]
premises = [extract_text(row[1]) for row in rows if row[0] in label_set]
hypotheses = [extract_text(row[2]) for row in rows if row[0] in label_set]
labels = [label_set[row[0]] for row in rows if row[0] in label_set]
return premises, hypotheses, labels
现在让我们打印前 3 对前提和假设,以及它们的标签(“0”、“1”和“2”分别对应“蕴含”、“矛盾”和“中性”)。
premise: A person on a horse jumps over a broken down airplane .
hypothesis: A person is training his horse for a competition .
label: 2
premise: A person on a horse jumps over a broken down airplane .
hypothesis: A person is at a diner , ordering an omelette .
label: 1
premise: A person on a horse jumps over a broken down airplane .
hypothesis: A person is outdoors , on a horse .
label: 0
premise: A person on a horse jumps over a broken down airplane .
hypothesis: A person is training his horse for a competition .
label: 2
premise: A person on a horse jumps over a broken down airplane .
hypothesis: A person is at a diner , ordering an omelette .
label: 1
premise: A person on a horse jumps over a broken down airplane .
hypothesis: A person is outdoors , on a horse .
label: 0
[183416, 183187, 182764]
[3368, 3237, 3219]