Abstract:This paper presents a layer-based model for security protocol design based on public key. That is, how to design security protocol by producing sub-protocols in several different layers. Every sub-protocol achieves a sub-goal derived from the protocol original goal and provides a data interface for the higher layer sub-protocol. Then we can obtain the design of the whole protocol by combining all the sub-protocols layer by layer. Using the layer-based model, whose basic idea goes against the common thought derived from the protocol authentication researches that security is regarded as an integral property, is very effective: it can make the entire security protocol design procedure clearer, more concise, and less expensive. Moreover, the layer differentiation simplifies the expression of authentication properties and diversifies the resulting design: this can be taken advantage of if we want to design different protocols meeting the requirements of different applications.
Keywords:security protocol, design model, layer-based, public key
Abstract:This paper presents a layer-based model for security protocol design based on public key. That is, how to design security protocol by producing sub-protocols in several different layers. Every sub-protocol achieves a sub-goal derived from the protocol original goal and provides a data interface for the higher layer sub-protocol. Then we can obtain the design of the whole protocol by combining all the sub-protocols layer by layer. Using the layer-based model, whose basic idea goes against the common thought derived from the protocol authentication researches that security is regarded as an integral property, is very effective: it can make the entire security protocol design procedure clearer, more concise, and less expensive. Moreover, the layer differentiation simplifies the expression of authentication properties and diversifies the resulting design: this can be taken advantage of if we want to design different protocols meeting the requirements of different applications.
Keywords:security protocol, design model, layer-based, public key
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