For portable consumer electronics, USB (Universal Serial
Bus) has become the most popular and pervasive
connectivity technology. As the adoption of this standard has
grown, USB connected devices have begun to cover a
broader range of hardware applications. The trend toward
using USB’s power capabilities to charge batteries on
portable devices has resulted in a demand for industrystandard
approaches and has led to new specifications being
published by the USB-IF (USB Implementers Forum).
With the introduction of several new and proposed
technologies such as USB Charger, manufacturers are faced
with a challenge as well as an opportunity. The challenge is
the need to meet all of the new USB specifications and still
keep costs low. The opportunity is to improve the consumer
experience through faster charging speed and universal charging.
Bus) has become the most popular and pervasive
connectivity technology. As the adoption of this standard has
grown, USB connected devices have begun to cover a
broader range of hardware applications. The trend toward
using USB’s power capabilities to charge batteries on
portable devices has resulted in a demand for industrystandard
approaches and has led to new specifications being
published by the USB-IF (USB Implementers Forum).
With the introduction of several new and proposed
technologies such as USB Charger, manufacturers are faced
with a challenge as well as an opportunity. The challenge is
the need to meet all of the new USB specifications and still
keep costs low. The opportunity is to improve the consumer
experience through faster charging speed and universal charging.
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