关键词: 全局准则函数,聚类算法,入侵检测
Abstract: This article through the analysis existing intrusion detection technology good and bad points, proposed one kind of improvement cluster algorithm CLOPE to apply to the network intrusion detection. This algorithm does not have to standardize the data, uses a kind of global criterion function based on the statistical histogram to depict clusters, specially is suitable for the large-scale data. When utilizes this algorithm, we optimized the income value computation, speeds up the running rate. The experiment proved that, this algorithm is different from the general cluster algorithm , it can improve and invade the efficiency measured greatly.
Keywords:Global criterion function,Cluster alogorithm,Intrusion detection system
关键词: 全局准则函数,聚类算法,入侵检测
Abstract: This article through the analysis existing intrusion detection technology good and bad points, proposed one kind of improvement cluster algorithm CLOPE to apply to the network intrusion detection. This algorithm does not have to standardize the data, uses a kind of global criterion function based on the statistical histogram to depict clusters, specially is suitable for the large-scale data. When utilizes this algorithm, we optimized the income value computation, speeds up the running rate. The experiment proved that, this algorithm is different from the general cluster algorithm , it can improve and invade the efficiency measured greatly.
Keywords:Global criterion function,Cluster alogorithm,Intrusion detection system
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