利用RTM 模拟仿真系统对风机叶片的RTM 充模过程进行了三维模拟, 以优化其成型工艺方案。通过比较和分析叶片根部线注射和侧面线注射两种注射方式的模拟结果, 确定侧面线注射为最佳注射方式。通过比较8 个侧面注射位置的模拟结果, 优化得到最佳的注射位置、合理的溢料口位置以及选择溢料口的依据。模拟优化的RTM 工艺方案为: 叶片侧边线注射, 注口位置在距根部500 mm 处, 3 个溢料口分布在叶片根部和尖端。实际制造中采用此方案得到了满意的产品, 模拟优化RTM 工艺大大降低了复合材料构件的制造成本, 为其他类似构件的合理制备和优化设计提供了参考依据。
关键词: 复合材料; RTM; 模拟
SUN Yumin , DUAN Yuexin 3 , L I Dan , L IAN G Zhiyong , ZHAN G Zuoguang
(School of Materials Science and Engineering , Beijing University of Aeronautics and Ast ronautics , Beijing 100083 , China)
Abstract : The RTM filling process of a wind turbine blade was simulated in 3D using the RTM simulation system to optimize it s RTM process. The simulation result s of two different injection ways are compared and analyzed to find the optimal injection means. As a result , line injection on the side of the blade is the better way. 8 simulations are carried out for different injection locations on the side to find the optimal injection location and reasonable outlet locations are ensured. Finally , The optimal process is applied successfully to manufacture the blade. Using the sys2 tem of RTM simulation to optimize the process is cost2effective and the optimal process for blade manufacture is of great reference value for other shape2similar component s.
Keywords : composites ; RTM; simulation
关键词: 复合材料; RTM; 模拟
SUN Yumin , DUAN Yuexin 3 , L I Dan , L IAN G Zhiyong , ZHAN G Zuoguang
(School of Materials Science and Engineering , Beijing University of Aeronautics and Ast ronautics , Beijing 100083 , China)
Abstract : The RTM filling process of a wind turbine blade was simulated in 3D using the RTM simulation system to optimize it s RTM process. The simulation result s of two different injection ways are compared and analyzed to find the optimal injection means. As a result , line injection on the side of the blade is the better way. 8 simulations are carried out for different injection locations on the side to find the optimal injection location and reasonable outlet locations are ensured. Finally , The optimal process is applied successfully to manufacture the blade. Using the sys2 tem of RTM simulation to optimize the process is cost2effective and the optimal process for blade manufacture is of great reference value for other shape2similar component s.
Keywords : composites ; RTM; simulation
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