到图形用户界面是嵌入式系统开发的重要环节。本文通过对MiniGUI 的消息机制的分析后,介绍一种简单的基于嵌入式系统的消息机制的实现方法,其相对于专业的GUI 中间件中的消息机制简单许多,但是也有着完善的结构,便于系统整合在一起,非常适用于一些轻量级图形用户界面的嵌入式应用。
Abstract: GUI(Graphics User Interface)is an important part of embedded system, it is the
hinge of the interaction between the users and the system. How to implement an effective message mechanism for the system to receive messages form the users and how to reflect on the GUI after dealing with the messages is a crucial step in embedded system developing. This paper analyses the message mechanism of MiniGUI and then give out a method to implement a message mechanism based on embedded system. This mechanism is simpler compared with some other professional GUI middleware, but it also has a integrated structure and easy to be integrated into the system,it is adapted to be used in the embedded systems which just need a simple GUI .
Key Words: embedded system; MiniGUI; message mechanism; image interface developer;
event driver
到图形用户界面是嵌入式系统开发的重要环节。本文通过对MiniGUI 的消息机制的分析后,介绍一种简单的基于嵌入式系统的消息机制的实现方法,其相对于专业的GUI 中间件中的消息机制简单许多,但是也有着完善的结构,便于系统整合在一起,非常适用于一些轻量级图形用户界面的嵌入式应用。
Abstract: GUI(Graphics User Interface)is an important part of embedded system, it is the
hinge of the interaction between the users and the system. How to implement an effective message mechanism for the system to receive messages form the users and how to reflect on the GUI after dealing with the messages is a crucial step in embedded system developing. This paper analyses the message mechanism of MiniGUI and then give out a method to implement a message mechanism based on embedded system. This mechanism is simpler compared with some other professional GUI middleware, but it also has a integrated structure and easy to be integrated into the system,it is adapted to be used in the embedded systems which just need a simple GUI .
Key Words: embedded system; MiniGUI; message mechanism; image interface developer;
event driver
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