本文介绍了基于S3C4510B 和嵌入式操作系统uClinux 的HDLC 接口驱动的设计与实现。采取将HDLC 接口向内核注册为Ethernet 设备,并在驱动中完成Ethernet 与HDLC协议间转换的设计方案,实现了数据在Ethernet 和HDLC 接口间的高效转发。对驱动编写中的HDLC 设备的初始化、DMA 模式下的数据发送、接收过程和中断处理进行了较为详细的介绍。该方案已在实际的卫星通信系统中应用,取得了良好的效果。
Design and Implementation of HDLC Device Driver Based on S3C4510B and uClinux
LIU Peng, JIN Ye (School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China) Abstract:A design and implementation of HDLC device driver based on the S3C4510B and uClinux is presented. By registering the HDLC device to the uClinux kernel as an Ethernet device and carrying out protocol conversion between Ethernet and HDLC in the device driver, high efficient data forwarding between Ethernet and HDLC interface is achieved. The initialization of HDLC device, data transmitting and receiving along with their interrupt handlings are discussed.
Key words:S3C4510B; uClinux; HDLC; device driver; protocol conversion
Design and Implementation of HDLC Device Driver Based on S3C4510B and uClinux
LIU Peng, JIN Ye (School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China) Abstract:A design and implementation of HDLC device driver based on the S3C4510B and uClinux is presented. By registering the HDLC device to the uClinux kernel as an Ethernet device and carrying out protocol conversion between Ethernet and HDLC in the device driver, high efficient data forwarding between Ethernet and HDLC interface is achieved. The initialization of HDLC device, data transmitting and receiving along with their interrupt handlings are discussed.
Key words:S3C4510B; uClinux; HDLC; device driver; protocol conversion
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