对Zigbee 无线组网技术在节点数量众多,节点部署有特殊要求的场景中的应用问题进行了分析和研究。首先简单介绍了Zigbee 协议栈,Zigbee 节点类型和拓扑类型,为应用场景中的特殊问题研究提供了必要的理论基础。然后从地址分配和与网络规模相关的参数设定的角度对Zigbee 网络进行了深入的研究,详细阐述了Zigbee 地址分配使用的算法Cskip,计算出不同网络参数设定下的Zigbee 节点总数。最后提出了特殊应用场景的节点部署方案,使Zigbee 技术在该类特殊应用场景中能够发挥其作用。
关键词: 无线传感器网络,Zigbee,大数量节点,节点部署
The Research on Zigbee Problems of Application with a mass of Nodes
YAO Chun (School of Electronic and Information Engineering Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China) Abstract: This paper analyzes and researches Zigbee problems of application with a mass of nodes and special requirement on node deployment. Firstly, the paper introduces Zigbee stack, node type and topology type, which provide the necessary basic theory for this kind of application. Then it researches deeply into the Zigbee network from the views of address allocation and the parameters setup which are related to network extent. It elaborates Cskip used by Zigbee address allocation and calculates the total nodes of Zigbee with different network parameters. Finally, it gives out a solution about node deployment in the application with large number of nodes.
Keywords: WSN, Zigbee, A mass of nodes, Deployment
关键词: 无线传感器网络,Zigbee,大数量节点,节点部署
The Research on Zigbee Problems of Application with a mass of Nodes
YAO Chun (School of Electronic and Information Engineering Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China) Abstract: This paper analyzes and researches Zigbee problems of application with a mass of nodes and special requirement on node deployment. Firstly, the paper introduces Zigbee stack, node type and topology type, which provide the necessary basic theory for this kind of application. Then it researches deeply into the Zigbee network from the views of address allocation and the parameters setup which are related to network extent. It elaborates Cskip used by Zigbee address allocation and calculates the total nodes of Zigbee with different network parameters. Finally, it gives out a solution about node deployment in the application with large number of nodes.
Keywords: WSN, Zigbee, A mass of nodes, Deployment
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