本文阐述了基于Internet 的工业空调智能控制器的软硬件设计。该控制器不仅可以完
关键字: 控制器;网络接口;Internet;工业空调
Research on the Industrial Air-condition Intelligent Controller based on Internet SHI Wen-lan1, ZHANG Jin-hong2 (1. Department of Information Engineering and Automation, Hebei Institute of Vocation and Technology, Shijiazhuang Hebei 050091, China; 2. Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin 300401, China) Abstract: This paper expounds the design of industrial air-condition controller. The controller not only can accomplish the general control, but also can communication with the interface of embedded network module, receives the control messages to dispose and return the correctly parameters, realizes remote monitoring and control of the appliance. Through the actual operation result of the system, it proved the feasibility and practicability of this scheme. The embedded Internet system based on the 51 MCU has the characteristics of low-cost, simplicity, and high-adaptability in the applications.
Key words: Controller; Network Interface; Internet; Industrial Air-conditioner
关键字: 控制器;网络接口;Internet;工业空调
Research on the Industrial Air-condition Intelligent Controller based on Internet SHI Wen-lan1, ZHANG Jin-hong2 (1. Department of Information Engineering and Automation, Hebei Institute of Vocation and Technology, Shijiazhuang Hebei 050091, China; 2. Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin 300401, China) Abstract: This paper expounds the design of industrial air-condition controller. The controller not only can accomplish the general control, but also can communication with the interface of embedded network module, receives the control messages to dispose and return the correctly parameters, realizes remote monitoring and control of the appliance. Through the actual operation result of the system, it proved the feasibility and practicability of this scheme. The embedded Internet system based on the 51 MCU has the characteristics of low-cost, simplicity, and high-adaptability in the applications.
Key words: Controller; Network Interface; Internet; Industrial Air-conditioner
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