针对中国科学院网络核心部门服务器的监控与管理问题,提出了一种基于SNMP 代理扩展技术的服务器监控方案,构建了综合反映服务器整体运行状况的监控系统。介绍了系统实现功能架构。在系统实现部分重点说明了数据采集单元扩展标准MIB 的多种办法,以及故障管理单元实现的故障实时响应机理。说明了管理端和被管理结点之间的角色分配及配置脚本信息。
A SNMP Extension Agent-based Research and Design of Server Monitor System TIAN Yong-qiang1, 2, LI Jun1 1(Computer Network Information Center, CAS, Beijing 100080) 2(Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100039) Abstract: Aimed at the server monitor and management problems of the core network of CAS, a server monitor solution is proposed which is based on the SNMP extension agent technology. The system can take a general view of the performance. The framework of the whole system is introduced. Especially, all sorts of methods used in data collection unit and real-time response theory which realized in the troubleshooting solve unit are discussed. Role allocation between SNMP network management station and SNMP network management agent and configuration script information are explained.
Keywords: SNMP, extension agent, server performance, monitor
A SNMP Extension Agent-based Research and Design of Server Monitor System TIAN Yong-qiang1, 2, LI Jun1 1(Computer Network Information Center, CAS, Beijing 100080) 2(Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100039) Abstract: Aimed at the server monitor and management problems of the core network of CAS, a server monitor solution is proposed which is based on the SNMP extension agent technology. The system can take a general view of the performance. The framework of the whole system is introduced. Especially, all sorts of methods used in data collection unit and real-time response theory which realized in the troubleshooting solve unit are discussed. Role allocation between SNMP network management station and SNMP network management agent and configuration script information are explained.
Keywords: SNMP, extension agent, server performance, monitor
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