基于BP 神经网络能以任意精度逼近任何非线性连续函数的原理。通过在MATLAB
环境下,对典型的不稳定、非线性、强耦合的倒立摆系统建立了BP 神经网络辨识结构,并对辨识结果进行了分析。结果表明BP 神经网络对非线性倒立摆模型的辨识是有效的。
关键词:BP 神经网络;倒立摆 ;系统辨识
BP Neural Network for Non-linear Inverted Pendulum System Identification YAN xin ,ZHAO ying kai,DOU dong yang (College of Automation,NanJing Univ. of Technology,JiangSu 210009 ,China) Abstract:Base on the theory that the BP neural network can compel any non-linear function by any precision. Under the circumstance of MATLAB, the neural network structure identification of a typical unstable, non-linear and strong coupling inverted pendulum system is established. Analyze of the result of identification prove that it is effective for neural network to identify the non-linear inverted pendulum system.
Key words: BP Neural Network ;Inverted Pendulum;System Identification
环境下,对典型的不稳定、非线性、强耦合的倒立摆系统建立了BP 神经网络辨识结构,并对辨识结果进行了分析。结果表明BP 神经网络对非线性倒立摆模型的辨识是有效的。
关键词:BP 神经网络;倒立摆 ;系统辨识
BP Neural Network for Non-linear Inverted Pendulum System Identification YAN xin ,ZHAO ying kai,DOU dong yang (College of Automation,NanJing Univ. of Technology,JiangSu 210009 ,China) Abstract:Base on the theory that the BP neural network can compel any non-linear function by any precision. Under the circumstance of MATLAB, the neural network structure identification of a typical unstable, non-linear and strong coupling inverted pendulum system is established. Analyze of the result of identification prove that it is effective for neural network to identify the non-linear inverted pendulum system.
Key words: BP Neural Network ;Inverted Pendulum;System Identification
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