关键词 污水处理 控制装置 触摸屏 PLC
The develop of automatic control device applied to the small sewage treatment system
Xukexin Wangfangqing (University of Shanghai for Science and Technology) Abstract The paper introduces a kind of automatic control system applied to the typical sewage treatment system of the housing district. It includes GOT 、PLC and other devices.This system replaces traditional relay control system. And it’s characteristics are simple, convenient and reliability. The article is simply describing the small-scale sewage disposal system,and expounding this device’s structure and operation principle. Introduce the function producing menu of F940WGOT and some matters needing attention when designing menu emphatically.
Key words sewage treatment control device GOT PLC
关键词 污水处理 控制装置 触摸屏 PLC
The develop of automatic control device applied to the small sewage treatment system
Xukexin Wangfangqing (University of Shanghai for Science and Technology) Abstract The paper introduces a kind of automatic control system applied to the typical sewage treatment system of the housing district. It includes GOT 、PLC and other devices.This system replaces traditional relay control system. And it’s characteristics are simple, convenient and reliability. The article is simply describing the small-scale sewage disposal system,and expounding this device’s structure and operation principle. Introduce the function producing menu of F940WGOT and some matters needing attention when designing menu emphatically.
Key words sewage treatment control device GOT PLC
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