智能监控系统由现场设备、嵌入式WEB 服务器、无线传输网络和监控中心组成。嵌入式WEB 服务 器是系统的核心,主要由嵌入式微处理器MPC8250、无线数据传输模块、MPEG-4 视音频编码模块、云台 控制模块、无线网卡、大容量硬盘等组成。监控中心的用户无需使用专用软件,通过浏览器便可直接观看 Web 服务器上的摄像机图像和报警信息,并可根据需要向服务器发送视频请求以及对摄像机的控制信号。
Design of Intelligent Monitoring and Control System Based on WLAN Liu Jie 1, Xiao zheng-hong1, Zhang xiao-hu 2 (1. Hunan University of Arts and Science of Computer Science and Technology Department, Changde 415000 China; 2. Hunan University of Arts and Science of Electrician Department, Changde 415000 China;) Abstract: Intelligent monitoring and control system include locale equipment, embedded web server, wireless network, and monitoring & control center. Embedded web server is the core of the system. It consists of embedded
CPU MPC8250, wireless data transmitting module, MPEG-4 video and audio coding module, tile controlling module, wireless network card and hard disk with big capacity. Users can watch the video and alarm message, which come from the web server, without special software. For the more, they can also ask the web server for video transmitting and tile controlling according to their requirement.
Keywords: WLAN, embedded CPU, embedded web server, video and audio coding
Design of Intelligent Monitoring and Control System Based on WLAN Liu Jie 1, Xiao zheng-hong1, Zhang xiao-hu 2 (1. Hunan University of Arts and Science of Computer Science and Technology Department, Changde 415000 China; 2. Hunan University of Arts and Science of Electrician Department, Changde 415000 China;) Abstract: Intelligent monitoring and control system include locale equipment, embedded web server, wireless network, and monitoring & control center. Embedded web server is the core of the system. It consists of embedded
CPU MPC8250, wireless data transmitting module, MPEG-4 video and audio coding module, tile controlling module, wireless network card and hard disk with big capacity. Users can watch the video and alarm message, which come from the web server, without special software. For the more, they can also ask the web server for video transmitting and tile controlling according to their requirement.
Keywords: WLAN, embedded CPU, embedded web server, video and audio coding
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