关键词 构件化嵌入式操作系统; 抢占阈值调度; FIFO 调度; 构件模型
A Scheme to Improve the Performance of Component Embedded Operating System
Wang Bao-Jin (Institute of Information and Engineering, PLA Information and Engineering University, Zhengzhou 450002) Abstract: In this paper, we analyze the faults of scheduling algorithm used by component embedded real-time operating systems. By comparing the performance of preemption scheduling, non-preemptive scheduling and FIFO scheduling algorithms, we present that preemption scheduling algorithm is more suitable for component
embedded operating systems. By analyzing the properties of existing component models, we propose a component models, a way mapping component to task and a design method. The scheme presented in this paper can improve the performance of component embedded operating system.
Keywords: component embedded operating system, preemption threshold scheduling, FIFO scheduling, component model
关键词 构件化嵌入式操作系统; 抢占阈值调度; FIFO 调度; 构件模型
A Scheme to Improve the Performance of Component Embedded Operating System
Wang Bao-Jin (Institute of Information and Engineering, PLA Information and Engineering University, Zhengzhou 450002) Abstract: In this paper, we analyze the faults of scheduling algorithm used by component embedded real-time operating systems. By comparing the performance of preemption scheduling, non-preemptive scheduling and FIFO scheduling algorithms, we present that preemption scheduling algorithm is more suitable for component
embedded operating systems. By analyzing the properties of existing component models, we propose a component models, a way mapping component to task and a design method. The scheme presented in this paper can improve the performance of component embedded operating system.
Keywords: component embedded operating system, preemption threshold scheduling, FIFO scheduling, component model
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