关键词: 互连线;布局;线长;时延;
A new placement algorithm based on wielength minimization and timing-driven optimization objective WANG Dong-ping, MAO Jun-fa (Dept of Electronic Eng, Shanghai Jiao tong Univ., Shanghai 200030, China) Abstract: Facing the severe challenges of placement in very large scale integrated circuits based on standard cell, a new placement algorithm based on both timing-driven and power minimization optimization objective was presented. Based on the placement result which was optimized by wirelength minimization objective, the delay of the circuit was minimized, besides, this optimization method was well adopted to combine the timing-driven optimization and wirelength minimization. According to the experimental results of MCNC (microelectronics centre of north -Carolina) standard cell benchmarks, the total wielength and longest path delay were both improved.
Key words:interconnect; placement; timing-driven; wirlength
关键词: 互连线;布局;线长;时延;
A new placement algorithm based on wielength minimization and timing-driven optimization objective WANG Dong-ping, MAO Jun-fa (Dept of Electronic Eng, Shanghai Jiao tong Univ., Shanghai 200030, China) Abstract: Facing the severe challenges of placement in very large scale integrated circuits based on standard cell, a new placement algorithm based on both timing-driven and power minimization optimization objective was presented. Based on the placement result which was optimized by wirelength minimization objective, the delay of the circuit was minimized, besides, this optimization method was well adopted to combine the timing-driven optimization and wirelength minimization. According to the experimental results of MCNC (microelectronics centre of north -Carolina) standard cell benchmarks, the total wielength and longest path delay were both improved.
Key words:interconnect; placement; timing-driven; wirlength
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