直线生成算法,尤其是直线扫描转换算法,是计算机图形学和计算机辅助设计等领域最基本、最重要的算法之一。本文提出了一种改进的直线生成算法——直线扫描转换的五步生成算法。该算法过给定的直线的始点和终点,可以一次计算得到并且点亮五个象素点,从而较传统的直线扫描转换算法成倍地提高了直线的生成速度,与著名的“四步法”相比,几乎没有增加复杂性,而速度则提高约20% , 同时仍然保持传统直线扫描转换算法的精度。
关键词:Bresenham 算法,直线生成算法,五步法,扫描转换。
A Quick Generating Algorithm for Line Scan Conversion OUYANG Kaicui,BAI Baogang,ZENG Linghua School of Computer Science & Engineering, Wenzhou University, Wenzhou 325027 Abstract:Line generating algorithm, especially line scan conversion, is one of the most important and basic algorithms in computer graphics and computer aided design. This paper presents an improved approach for line generating algorithm, five-step generating algorithm for line scan conversion of raster graphics. This algorithm lights five pixels in a loop between the coordinate information of line’s start and end points. Therefore, the speed
of generating of straight line can be accelerated. Compared with the four-step, it is the speed that increased by about 20% while the complexity is almost the same. Meanwhile the five-step still maintains the precise of the traditional line scan conversion algorithm.
Keyword:Bresenham algorithm, line generating algorithm, five-step generating algorithm, scan conversion
关键词:Bresenham 算法,直线生成算法,五步法,扫描转换。
A Quick Generating Algorithm for Line Scan Conversion OUYANG Kaicui,BAI Baogang,ZENG Linghua School of Computer Science & Engineering, Wenzhou University, Wenzhou 325027 Abstract:Line generating algorithm, especially line scan conversion, is one of the most important and basic algorithms in computer graphics and computer aided design. This paper presents an improved approach for line generating algorithm, five-step generating algorithm for line scan conversion of raster graphics. This algorithm lights five pixels in a loop between the coordinate information of line’s start and end points. Therefore, the speed
of generating of straight line can be accelerated. Compared with the four-step, it is the speed that increased by about 20% while the complexity is almost the same. Meanwhile the five-step still maintains the precise of the traditional line scan conversion algorithm.
Keyword:Bresenham algorithm, line generating algorithm, five-step generating algorithm, scan conversion
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