本文介绍了计算机与多台LED 测量仪的多机通讯方法,设计了通讯接口电路,设置了多台测量仪通讯的口令,可以比较好地实现测量仪之间、测量仪与计算机之间的正常通讯,以及数据传送。最后将测量仪的测量数据保存在计算机的硬盘上。
Multi Computer Communication of Measure Instruments SunHuiqing GuoZhiYou
(South China Normal University of School for Information and Optoelectronic Science and Engineering, Guangzhou 510631, China) Abstract: The paper proposes multi computer communication method of computers and multi LED measure instruments. Communication interface circuit is designed and communication passwords of multi instruments are installed. Normal communication and data transfer of instruments and computers are realized preferably. Lastly, measure data of instrument are saved by computer HD.
Key words: computer; instrument; multi computer communication; Communication interface
Multi Computer Communication of Measure Instruments SunHuiqing GuoZhiYou
(South China Normal University of School for Information and Optoelectronic Science and Engineering, Guangzhou 510631, China) Abstract: The paper proposes multi computer communication method of computers and multi LED measure instruments. Communication interface circuit is designed and communication passwords of multi instruments are installed. Normal communication and data transfer of instruments and computers are realized preferably. Lastly, measure data of instrument are saved by computer HD.
Key words: computer; instrument; multi computer communication; Communication interface
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