与传统的有线网络相比,移动ad-hoc 网络有很多特性使得它在各个层上存在安全问题而容易受到攻击。移动Ad-hoc 网络不同于有线网络的特性,对于保证其安全性提出了
新的挑战。本文在探讨移动Ad-hoc 网络的安全需求的基础上,着重分析了移动Ad-hoc 网络易于遭受的攻击,并集中了讨论移动Ad-hoc 网络的路由安全、密钥管理等关键问题。
关键词:移动 Ad-hoc 网络、路由安全、密钥管理
Summarization to Security in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks Feng Kun Duan Li Cha Hao
(Navy University of Engineering, Department Of Information Security,Wuhan Hubei,430033) Abstract:Compared with the traditional wired networks,Mobile ad-hoc networks have many characteristics which make it has security questions in each layer and easily be attacked. For its different characteristics from the wired networks, it will face with the new challenge in security. In this paper, research based on the requests of the security of Mobile ad-hoc networks, we focus on the popular attacks to the Mobile ad-hoc networks. And primarily discuss on the routing security and key management of mobile Ad-hoc network..
Keywords: mobile Ad-hoc networks; routing security; key management
新的挑战。本文在探讨移动Ad-hoc 网络的安全需求的基础上,着重分析了移动Ad-hoc 网络易于遭受的攻击,并集中了讨论移动Ad-hoc 网络的路由安全、密钥管理等关键问题。
关键词:移动 Ad-hoc 网络、路由安全、密钥管理
Summarization to Security in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks Feng Kun Duan Li Cha Hao
(Navy University of Engineering, Department Of Information Security,Wuhan Hubei,430033) Abstract:Compared with the traditional wired networks,Mobile ad-hoc networks have many characteristics which make it has security questions in each layer and easily be attacked. For its different characteristics from the wired networks, it will face with the new challenge in security. In this paper, research based on the requests of the security of Mobile ad-hoc networks, we focus on the popular attacks to the Mobile ad-hoc networks. And primarily discuss on the routing security and key management of mobile Ad-hoc network..
Keywords: mobile Ad-hoc networks; routing security; key management
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