Abstract:In content_based image retrieval, different details are requied by different images and shape is more sensitive to circumrotation than color and texture ,which decrease image retrieva performance. An algorithm for image retrieval based on edge gradient direction histogram is proposed.Image edge is detected by B-Spline wavelet transform based on maximum model in order for resulting that different details are requied by different images and represented by the histogram of gradient directions at edge pixels.The relativity of histogram which results from itertative rotation minimum matching is used to avoid the sensitivity of rotated image. Experimental results show that the algorithm has the robustness against illumination changes, position translation, scale and rotated image and a superior image-retrieving performance.
Keywords:Content_based image retrieval; Edge Detection; Histogram;Wavelet
Abstract:In content_based image retrieval, different details are requied by different images and shape is more sensitive to circumrotation than color and texture ,which decrease image retrieva performance. An algorithm for image retrieval based on edge gradient direction histogram is proposed.Image edge is detected by B-Spline wavelet transform based on maximum model in order for resulting that different details are requied by different images and represented by the histogram of gradient directions at edge pixels.The relativity of histogram which results from itertative rotation minimum matching is used to avoid the sensitivity of rotated image. Experimental results show that the algorithm has the robustness against illumination changes, position translation, scale and rotated image and a superior image-retrieving performance.
Keywords:Content_based image retrieval; Edge Detection; Histogram;Wavelet
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