设计用可编程序控制器(PLC)实现畜牧无害化处理系统的自动化生产。主要介绍了高温高压大罐处理系统这一核心生产过程。介绍了系统构成和工艺流程,给出了部分系统流程图及提高安全生产的各项措施。该系统采用模糊PID 算法,控制精度高,可靠性好,自动化程度高,在实际应用中取得了很好的效果,满足了实际生产的需要。
Abstract: Aiming at Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) as main controller of treatment system of animals which suffer from animal-borne disease. The article introduces a kernel process which named treatment of high temperature and high pressure. It describes the system structure, a part of system flow chart. It provides some measures for improving produce safety. Based on fuzzy PID algorithm, the system possesses the advantages of
high control precision, good reliability and high automaticity. So, it performs excellently in the application and satisfies the needs of actual production.
Key words: auto control; PLC; high temperature and pressure; farming garbage processing
Abstract: Aiming at Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) as main controller of treatment system of animals which suffer from animal-borne disease. The article introduces a kernel process which named treatment of high temperature and high pressure. It describes the system structure, a part of system flow chart. It provides some measures for improving produce safety. Based on fuzzy PID algorithm, the system possesses the advantages of
high control precision, good reliability and high automaticity. So, it performs excellently in the application and satisfies the needs of actual production.
Key words: auto control; PLC; high temperature and pressure; farming garbage processing
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