较详细地阐述汽车蓄电池的正确使用、维护方法; 常见故障原因及其排除方法; 提出相应预防措施, 最大限度地提高其使用寿命, 以降低汽车运输成本。
关键词: 蓄电池; 使用维护; 故障检修
Abstract: Th is art icle amp ly expounds themethods of the co rrect operat ion and maintenance fo r the accumulato r of automobiles, the common faults causes and their so lut ions. Mo reover, it offers the co rresponding p revent ive methods in o rder to p ro long the life and reduce the co st of the automobile t ranspo rtat ion.
Key words:A ccumulato r; Operat ion and maintenance; B reakdow n repair
关键词: 蓄电池; 使用维护; 故障检修
Abstract: Th is art icle amp ly expounds themethods of the co rrect operat ion and maintenance fo r the accumulato r of automobiles, the common faults causes and their so lut ions. Mo reover, it offers the co rresponding p revent ive methods in o rder to p ro long the life and reduce the co st of the automobile t ranspo rtat ion.
Key words:A ccumulato r; Operat ion and maintenance; B reakdow n repair
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