介绍了压阻式传感器的灵敏度温度补偿原理,给出了一种在宽温度范围内采用了分段补偿方式进行灵敏度温度补偿的方法,实现了宽温度范围内较高的补偿准确度。这里介绍的方案是通过数- 模组合硬件电路实现分段补偿,具体方案是基于目前国内外OEM 硅压力传感器厂商采用的固定电阻器并联补偿法。技术途径是设计一组温控开关电路来控制并联电阻器是否接入,温度信号来源于恒流源供电下的传感器桥压信号。此方法硬件电路及补偿计算均较简单,适用于较宽的温度环境,性能价格比合理。同时便于扩展为多段补偿以实现高补偿准确度,并且传感器在快速温变环境下工作时温度跟踪误差小。
关键词: 分段补偿; 并联电阻; 有源硬件电路
Abstract : The principle of the temperature compensation to a piezo2resistive transducer’s sensitivity is intro2 duced.By using subsection compensation in wide temperature range ,a method of sensitivity temperature compen2 sation was put forward. A relatively precise compensation in wide temperature range is fulfilled. The scheme whose subsection compensation is realized by D/ A assembled hardware circuit is introduced. Detailed project is
based on the method of fixed resistance’s parallel compensation which is adopted by manufacturers of OEM sili2 con pressure sensor at home and abroad. The approach is designed a group of temperature controlled switch circuit which control whether the parallel resistance is activated or not . Temperature signal is come from bridge voltage signal which is power supply by constant current source. It is sample in both hardware circuit and compensating calculation ,which is applied at a relatively wide temperature circumstance and high performance at low price. At the same time it is easy to extend to more section compensation ,which can achieve the high precision of compen2 sation ,moreover sensor’s slot error is lower which work in the rapid temperature change circumstance.
Key words : subsection compensation ; parallel resistance ; active hardware circuit
关键词: 分段补偿; 并联电阻; 有源硬件电路
Abstract : The principle of the temperature compensation to a piezo2resistive transducer’s sensitivity is intro2 duced.By using subsection compensation in wide temperature range ,a method of sensitivity temperature compen2 sation was put forward. A relatively precise compensation in wide temperature range is fulfilled. The scheme whose subsection compensation is realized by D/ A assembled hardware circuit is introduced. Detailed project is
based on the method of fixed resistance’s parallel compensation which is adopted by manufacturers of OEM sili2 con pressure sensor at home and abroad. The approach is designed a group of temperature controlled switch circuit which control whether the parallel resistance is activated or not . Temperature signal is come from bridge voltage signal which is power supply by constant current source. It is sample in both hardware circuit and compensating calculation ,which is applied at a relatively wide temperature circumstance and high performance at low price. At the same time it is easy to extend to more section compensation ,which can achieve the high precision of compen2 sation ,moreover sensor’s slot error is lower which work in the rapid temperature change circumstance.
Key words : subsection compensation ; parallel resistance ; active hardware circuit
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