介绍了用于测量水下弹丸运动速度的声靶、高速摄影、光电靶测速、线圈靶测速、线阵CCD 测速等多种方法,从原理、准确度、实现难易程度等方面作了较为详细的比较,提了线圈靶、线阵CCD 是较理想的水下弹丸速度的测量方法,并给出了实验证明。
关键词:速度测量; 电荷耦合器件; 高速运动体; 水下枪弹
Abstract : The methods of measuring the speed for the velocity of underwater bullet are introduced ,such as the CCD measuring speed ,coil target ,sonic target ,high speed photography ,photoelectric target and so on. A compari2 son of their principle ,degree of accuracy and difficult degree are made in detail. Coil target and the CCD measur2
ing methods are better methods for the speed of underwater bullet is proposed and is proved by experiments.
Key words :speed2measuring ; charge coupled device (CCD) ; high2speed moving vehicle ; underwater gun’s bullet
关键词:速度测量; 电荷耦合器件; 高速运动体; 水下枪弹
Abstract : The methods of measuring the speed for the velocity of underwater bullet are introduced ,such as the CCD measuring speed ,coil target ,sonic target ,high speed photography ,photoelectric target and so on. A compari2 son of their principle ,degree of accuracy and difficult degree are made in detail. Coil target and the CCD measur2
ing methods are better methods for the speed of underwater bullet is proposed and is proved by experiments.
Key words :speed2measuring ; charge coupled device (CCD) ; high2speed moving vehicle ; underwater gun’s bullet
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