本文研究了量测噪声与系统噪声相关情况下同步多传感跟踪系统的航迹关联及融合技术. 考虑线性连续时间系统中过程噪声及量测噪声相互独立的情况,通过线性系统的离散化表明了在多传感跟踪系统中,由于公共噪声的影响而使离散化的量测噪声及过程噪声之间存在一定的相关性. 根据假设检验的理论,本文推导了噪声相关情况下的多传感器跟踪系统航迹关联及融合的算法,Monte Carlo 仿真结果表明了该算法的有效性.
关键词: 相关噪声; 目标跟踪; 航迹关联
Abstract : The track association and fusion technique of synchronized multi2sensor tracking system in case of correlated noises is developed. The discretization to linear continuous time system expresses that there exists a correlation among common process noise and measurement noise ,although they are independent of in linear continuous time system. And then in the light of hypothesis testing theory ,the synchronized multi2sensor track association and fusion algorithm is presented. The simulation results express its validity.
Key words : correlated noise ;target tracking ;association fusion
关键词: 相关噪声; 目标跟踪; 航迹关联
Abstract : The track association and fusion technique of synchronized multi2sensor tracking system in case of correlated noises is developed. The discretization to linear continuous time system expresses that there exists a correlation among common process noise and measurement noise ,although they are independent of in linear continuous time system. And then in the light of hypothesis testing theory ,the synchronized multi2sensor track association and fusion algorithm is presented. The simulation results express its validity.
Key words : correlated noise ;target tracking ;association fusion
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