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2009-07-15 | rar | 329 | 次下载 | 3积分


无论在军事还是航空航天领域, 光纤传感器都是一种极具应用前景的智能化监测手段。目前, 将光纤传感器用于纤维增强树脂基复合材料固化过程的监测的研究是一个热点。但由于大多数光纤传感器监测固化过程成本较高, 所以还没有被广泛的应用于实际生产当中。开发了一种新型的低成本、高灵敏度、易操作的光纤传感器用于纤维增强树脂基复合材料固化过程的在线监测。光纤传感器的设计基于光纤微弯损耗原理, 其监测的直接目标
参量为增强纤维所构成的网络所承担的压力变化, 可以进而通过Gutow sk i 的树脂流动ö纤维变形理论间接得出对于固化过程中的几个关键参量。给出了这种压力传感器的设计制作方法, 测定该种传感器在静态和动态下的压力2光损耗响应曲线, 分析了该传感器对环境温度与折射率变化的响应。完成了利用微弯压力传感器进行纤维增强复合材料在热压釜中固化成型过程的在线监测实验, 获得了良好的结果。
关键词:  光纤传感器; 微弯; 复合材料; 固化
Abstract:  F iber op t ic sen so r has been p roved a very p rom isingmon ito ringm ethod in m any f ields such as arm s and aero space indu st ry. O ne of it s mo st popu lar app licat ion s is the cu re p rocess mon ito ring of advanced f iber reinfo rced resin m at rix compo site. Them ain ob stacle ofw ide u t iliza2 t ion of th is techn ique is the h igh co st and comp lex modu lat ion techno logy. A novel f iber op t ic sen so r w as developed, w h ich has the featu re of h igh sen sit ivity and low co st and is easy to han2 dle, to do the job. The f iber op t ic sen so r is developed based on f iber op t ic m icrobend lo sses and aim ed to mon ito r the p ressu re variat ion, th rough w h ich key info rm at ion to the cu re can be ob2 tained th rough compu tat ion direct ly o r indirect ly, on the reinfo rced f iber netwo rk du ring the cu re p rocess. In th is p resen tat ion, the design and p reparat ion of the sen so r is given. The dynam ic and
stat ic respon se of the f iber op t ic p ressu re sen so r under p ressu re is tested. The inf luence of the temperatu re and ref ract ive index variat ion around the sen so r on the respon se of the sen so r’s sig2 nal at tenuat ion is dicu ssed. O n the basis of the f iber op t ic p ressu re sen so r, a po rtab le in st rum en t is in tegarted, w h ich includes laser diode, detecto r, A öD , etc. W ith it in2situ mon ito ring of the cu re p rocess of f iber reinfo rced compo site lam inates is carried ou t and good resu lt is ob tained.
Key words:  f iber op t ic sen so rs; m icrobend; compo site; cu re

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