Ever since its invention, atomic force
microscopy (AFM) has revolutionized
the field of interfacial surface science
by enabling direct, high-resolution
visualization of surface morphology in
various solutions and gas environments.
With the advent of new technologies
that simplify the preparation and handling
of samples, the use of AFM is becoming
increasingly widespread in biological
research. The potential of Agilent’s
MAC Mode AFM for accelerating drug
development is also tremendous.
Highlighted below are a few examples
of the many MAC Mode applications
performed under ambient conditions,
in solvents, or under other controlled
conditions (e.g., 37 °C) using Agilent
atomic force microscopes.
microscopy (AFM) has revolutionized
the field of interfacial surface science
by enabling direct, high-resolution
visualization of surface morphology in
various solutions and gas environments.
With the advent of new technologies
that simplify the preparation and handling
of samples, the use of AFM is becoming
increasingly widespread in biological
research. The potential of Agilent’s
MAC Mode AFM for accelerating drug
development is also tremendous.
Highlighted below are a few examples
of the many MAC Mode applications
performed under ambient conditions,
in solvents, or under other controlled
conditions (e.g., 37 °C) using Agilent
atomic force microscopes.
更多 >
- Mac和Windows
- Applications of KFM, CSAFM and
- Live Cell Imaging with the AFM
- How to Choose your MAC Lever S
- Agilent 5600LS AFM Versatile A
- PCA9306-Q1,pdf(Dual Bidirectio
- MAC Mode Atomic Force Microsco
- Agilent 5500 or 5100 ILM AFM/S
- Magnetic AC Mode-The Gentle To
- Agilent 5400 SPM/AFM Microsco
- Virtex-5 Embedded Tri-Mode Eth
- Automotive Driver Requirements Topologies and Applications
- HT66F40使用SIM I2C Mode之用法与注意事项
- i-mode简介
- 如何查看交换机的MAC地址表 425次阅读
- 通过GDB non-stop mode调试MySQL 658次阅读
- KUKA机器人电伺服焊钳力的建立过程V2.28 663次阅读
- KUKA运用系统变量$MODE_OP编程 2089次阅读
- MAC的地址/结构/表示方法介绍 3.3w次阅读
- 基于AFM控制器的十二相控制回路的实现与应用 2372次阅读
- 无线传感器网络MAC协议的基本问题解析 4787次阅读
- 一文读懂Windows和Mac系统的区别 4.3w次阅读
- STM32F030中I2C 的配置和 AT24C16驱动 1w次阅读
- 买了Mac不知道怎么用?这有份Mac使用的经验之谈 7059次阅读
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- mac层的主要功能介绍 8.5w次阅读
- mac地址可以随便改吗 13.6w次阅读
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