High resolution atomic force
microscopy (AFM) can be per-
formed simultaneously with
optical microscopy techniques,
such as fluorescence or differential
interference contrast (DIC)
microscopy. The combined
methodologies provide comple-
mentary information about the
studied sample which establishes
the basis for a better understand-
ing of physiological processes and
the function of biomolecules, and
allow a more detailed characteriza-
tion of the structure of living cells
[1]. Here we present the Agilent
5500 ILM AFM/SPM, which is an
easy-to-use AFM and inverted
light microscope (ILM) combination
that enhances live-cell imaging
under physiological conditions.
The advantage of this combined
setup is further demonstrated by
studying fluorescence-labeled
membrane receptors via force
spectroscopy using antibody-
functionalized AFM tips.
High resolution atomic force
microscopy (AFM) can be per-
formed simultaneously with
optical microscopy techniques,
such as fluorescence or differential
interference contrast (DIC)
microscopy. The combined
methodologies provide comple-
mentary information about the
studied sample which establishes
the basis for a better understand-
ing of physiological processes and
the function of biomolecules, and
allow a more detailed characteriza-
tion of the structure of living cells
[1]. Here we present the Agilent
5500 ILM AFM/SPM, which is an
easy-to-use AFM and inverted
light microscope (ILM) combination
that enhances live-cell imaging
under physiological conditions.
The advantage of this combined
setup is further demonstrated by
studying fluorescence-labeled
membrane receptors via force
spectroscopy using antibody-
functionalized AFM tips.
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