标签 > intel
文章:3284个 浏览:186114次 帖子:419个
Get high performance Python at your fingertips with the free Intel® Distribu...
Implement MQTT to publish temperature data using Node.js*.
Understand how to use the Node-RED* interface to add sensors and send data t...
Using cognitive computing to improve diagnosis accuracy.
This session discusses the current development activity with MPICH, includin...
In this session, you will learn how to create a complete Gateway based IoT f...
Mages of Mystralia allows you to create millions of combinations of spells t...
This episode features Pedro Kayatt and his work in VR. Pedro and his team cr...
The value of the smart home comes from addressing a number of homeowner need...
In this video we discuss application design for Intel® Software Guard Extens...
This video focuses on Intel’s multi-pronged efforts to make OpenStack* easie...
This Screencast shows you step by step how to add C/C++ code to your Android...
Online payment forms are a commpon place to make UX and UI errors. Luke Wrob...
Location data gives developers opportunities to create new and exciting ways...
What works best for your application in a mobile interface? Luke Wroblewski ...
This presentation provides the context needed to get started with Android Th...
The WiDi Social Cast Demo is a proof of concept application to show several ...
Intel® JTAG/System Debugger video reviewing hardware inspection features. Th...
You can Use touch to control you armies in Rome 2 on Intel® tablets and 2-in...
电机控制 | DSP | 氮化镓 | 功率放大器 | ChatGPT | 自动驾驶 | TI | 瑞萨电子 |
BLDC | PLC | 碳化硅 | 二极管 | OpenAI | 元宇宙 | 安森美 | ADI |
无刷电机 | FOC | IGBT | 逆变器 | 文心一言 | 5G | 英飞凌 | 罗姆 |
直流电机 | PID | MOSFET | 传感器 | 人工智能 | 物联网 | NXP | 赛灵思 |
步进电机 | SPWM | 充电桩 | IPM | 机器视觉 | 无人机 | 三菱电机 | ST |
伺服电机 | SVPWM | 光伏发电 | UPS | AR | 智能电网 | 国民技术 | Microchip |
开关电源 | 步进电机 | 无线充电 | LabVIEW | EMC | PLC | OLED | 单片机 |
5G | m2m | DSP | MCU | ASIC | CPU | ROM | DRAM |
NB-IoT | LoRa | Zigbee | NFC | 蓝牙 | RFID | Wi-Fi | SIGFOX |
Type-C | USB | 以太网 | 仿真器 | RISC | RAM | 寄存器 | GPU |
语音识别 | 万用表 | CPLD | 耦合 | 电路仿真 | 电容滤波 | 保护电路 | 看门狗 |
CAN | CSI | DSI | DVI | Ethernet | HDMI | I2C | RS-485 |
SDI | nas | DMA | HomeKit | 阈值电压 | UART | 机器学习 | TensorFlow |
Arduino | BeagleBone | 树莓派 | STM32 | MSP430 | EFM32 | ARM mbed | EDA |
示波器 | LPC | imx8 | PSoC | Altium Designer | Allegro | Mentor | Pads |
OrCAD | Cadence | AutoCAD | 华秋DFM | Keil | MATLAB | MPLAB | Quartus |
C++ | Java | Python | JavaScript | node.js | RISC-V | verilog | Tensorflow |
Android | iOS | linux | RTOS | FreeRTOS | LiteOS | RT-THread | uCOS |
DuerOS | Brillo | Windows11 | HarmonyOS |