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电子发烧友网>通信网络>通信设计应用>Writing Parallel-Port 2-Wire S

Writing Parallel-Port 2-Wire S


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1-Wire EEPROM通信对存在脉冲作出响应

(OWTouChREST())/重置1Wire总线返回0;/ /如果没有设备找到OWWriteByte(0x33),则返回:(TEMP=0;TEMP<8;TEMP++)串行SerialNo.[TEMP
2018-09-28 11:14:48


μs之间任意设置。从1-Wire总线读数据(读时隙)时,在时隙开始后tLOW1 + tDSO时间内进行采样,即采样从下降沿开始后11μs至25μs之间。图2. 写1时隙和读数据时隙写0时隙(图3)包括
2012-11-12 00:17:46


Labview) take almost 30K DMM 2-wire resistance measurements of some HW.All's well except
2019-01-28 13:56:55

2线4-20mA电流环线性化和传输3线PT1000 RTD单芯片解决方案

the industry standard 2-wire 4-20mA current loop.The design was configured for a -50°C to 250
2018-12-28 11:44:27


我有一个应用处理器,它通过内存控制器连接到CyPress FX3芯片。我的工作是通过孔进入s-port,配置并执行R / W型连接到sib0 SD卡。我已经成功地初始化了卡片。所以我知道SD命令接口
2018-09-26 10:03:16

Writing Testbenches - Functional Verification of HDL Models

Writing Testbenches - Functional Verification of HDL Models
2019-12-20 15:08:10

wire 与 reg 区别

- 如果要综合寄存器,需要同时满足俩个条件:1。定义为reg,2. 在always @posedge(negedge) block中赋值- 如果要综合组合逻辑,可以(任意)a. 定义为wire, 用
2014-02-20 10:51:18

wire 和 assign的 区别 ---求助

regrst_nr2;wirelocked; (1)wire sysrst_nr0= rst_nr2 & locked; (2)assign sysrst_nr0= rst_nr2 & locked;上面 两个赋值 一样吗,有区别吗
2014-02-20 10:59:42

DS2408S 1-Wire继电器资料分享

描述DS2408S 1-Wire 继电器印刷电路板 - 1mm扎斯拉涅 +5V DCZ11 - IO 1 线2 - GND 1-Wire/VDC4 - +5VDCElementy do
2022-06-24 07:25:39


: Write timeoutSerial port COM10Connecting...Detecting chip type... ESP32-S3Running ninja in directory
2023-02-28 09:08:36


c port %d is not supported", port);return ESP_FAIL; } return ESP_OK;}esp_err_t get_i2s
2023-03-10 06:46:44


150工作压力可达 20kg/cm2 (300#)电源DC +17V ~ +40V输出DC 4~20mA (2-wire)附加功能耐风雨(IP65)防爆(Ex d llc T6)防爆(Ex d
2020-03-31 09:37:58

IC设计基础:说说wire load model

给出了下这种方法预估时遇到的问题。线1和线2 扇出相同,但线长其实差距很大,这样线上延时和功耗差距其实很大,但是wire load model给出的结果却是相同的。面对这种问题,怎么办呢?精确性要求高
2018-05-21 18:30:33

ISR中的Wire (I2C) 异常问题如何解决?

;Wire.requestFrom(ADS_ADDRESS,2);ADSBuffer[ADSBufferHead] = (Wire.read()
2023-02-24 07:50:37


, demonstration boards, and target devices using ICSP and 2-wire JTAG. The 8-pin single in-line connector also
2018-10-31 16:11:05

NEXTCHIP#AHD解决方案的汽车RX,NVP6324/NVP6321,MIPI-CSI2, BT.656*4 CH://技术***李S可支持

/COMET•Digital Output:8bit*4 Parallel Output Format Selectable:Each Port Video Output Format
2019-01-15 14:24:55

Ubuntu下Jflash烧录bin一直提示Unable to find a parallel port

在Ubuntu环境下直接烧录裸机bin,一直提示Unable to find a parallel port,不太明白该怎么设置。请大神指点一下,多谢多谢~
2019-05-14 02:48:30

Xilinx不再支持Parallel Cable II吗

not much money and would prefer the parallel cable with a PCI-Card (parallel port) for my PC, instead
2019-01-17 07:47:26


x MMC 4.5/SD 3.0/SDIO Port2x USB 2.0 OTG, HS/FS, Device or Host with PHYAudio Interfaces include 3x I2S
2016-04-12 15:55:19

【FireBeetle 2 ESP32-S3开发板体验】时间显示 基于ssd1306 I2C 调用开源库 事半功倍

Successfully created esp32s3 image. Compiling .pio/build/dfrobot_firebeetle2_esp32s3/libec9/Wire/Wire
2023-07-29 10:04:24

下载Windows 7(32位)+ISE12.2下的电缆连接问题

board quite well.For Spartan-3 Starter board, I used a Parallel Cable III with a parallel-port
2019-05-24 09:16:29


PS304(PortsServer channel 4)是多种数字接口物理层协议转发器,可实现UART转换I2C、SPI、1Wire远距离通讯,内嵌磁隔离双电源及辅助增强电源电路、自适应线缆算法
2020-08-27 12:32:18


我最近买了一台E4440A和一台N8973A,当我发现这些乐器只有打印机的PARALLEL PORT并且没有本机USB端口时,我肯定感到惊讶和有点失望!考虑到这些单位的年龄,安捷伦现在已经为
2018-11-20 10:34:16

使用Keysight 34980A多功能开关测量单元实现精确的电阻测量

This application note provides an overview of how to make an accurate 2-wire, 3-wire and 4-wire resistance measurements with the Keysight 34980A
2018-10-25 10:32:30


x MMC 4.5/SD 3.0/SDIO Port2x USB 2.0 OTG, HS/FS, Device or Host with PHYAudio Interfaces include 3x I2S
2016-11-03 15:38:36

关于i2s使用并口问题,i2s_parallel PLL_D2_CLK APLL_CLK频率怎么设置?

//Initialize I2S parallel device.//并行数据引脚,数位宽度,时钟等等i2s_parallel_config_t i2scfg={ //.gpio_bus={2, 4
2023-02-13 07:01:11

关于i2s使用并口问题,i2s_parallel PLL_D2_CLK APLL_CLK频率怎么设置?

//Initialize I2S parallel device.//并行数据引脚,数位宽度,时钟等等i2s_parallel_config_t i2scfg={ //.gpio_bus={2, 4
2023-03-06 09:02:17


against IEC61000-4-4Hardware supports 2-wire interfaces standards such as Tamagawa or 4-wire RS485
2018-12-05 11:39:12


, touch。但这里没有具体实现这些操作。2、1-wire 器件枚举类:ow_enum_t实现了 enum 操作。3、1-wire 协议链路层实现类:owou_t,owobb_t在指定的数据链路层上实现了
2011-11-22 23:40:56


transformer and . I want extract S-parameter. i should convert 4 port to 2-port(port (1,2) in primary
2018-10-08 14:37:36

如何访问1-Wire API

任何组件在创建者来实现这一点。有人知道如何访问1-Wire API吗?谢谢 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文I have been looking for a 1-wire component
2019-07-29 15:25:25


物料清单显示 33uf 上限。原理图要我并联还是串联做 3?如果串联,我可以只使用 11uF 电容吗?如果 parallel 只使用 1 有什么缺点吗?它们占用了大量的 PCB 空间。
2023-01-17 06:23:36


DSl8x20/DSl822发出的应答脉冲,如图2所示。 当主机将1-Wire总线从逻辑高(空闲状态)拉为逻辑低时,即启动一个写时隙。所有的写时隙必须在60 s至120 s(见图3 60s 读时隙起始
2018-12-17 11:29:13


。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 I know the bootloader options available 2-wire UART,USB and I2C.Right nowI'm
2018-09-17 16:42:02


嗨,我怎样才能与VEE语言中的并行端口(读写数据)进行通信?感谢您的帮助 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文hi,how can i to communicate with parallel port
2019-04-03 15:14:19


搞不懂这个电路图,请高手相助!,请问,这个电路,怎么工作的?2-Wire Bus System又是如何工作的?
2011-06-22 15:17:56

请教一下关于asmi_parallel ip核的使用方法

的是0x00。使用asmi_parallel2 ip核用avalon总线也不能顺利读取,想请教一下,我是读写的时序,还是因为自动分配的引脚存在问题?
2018-06-29 21:01:21

谁对space wire了解啊

   最经有个任务,要开发space wire总线,不知道那个大侠对他比较了解,给讲讲,他的好处。稍微了解了一下,它的总线速度在200M/S,不如其他的总线快,为什么还用用这个了,很是迷茫,望高人指点
2009-09-06 22:30:56


根据蓝牙核心规范版本 5.3 | 第 6 卷,F 部分,有两种支持 DTM 的方法:DTM over HCI 和 DTM trough 2-wire UART。我知道 WB55 肯定支持基于 HCI 的 DTM,但是基于 2 线 UART 的 DTM 呢?这个微控制器也支持它吗?
2022-12-05 09:02:59


描述This CerTIfied Reference Design is a 16-bit loop-powered, or 2-wire, transmitter using
2018-08-28 15:48:52

,出现template needs port named IN1+, no such port on component U2

MULTISIM仿真软件中,出现template needs port named IN1+, no such port on component U2.>这个要怎么解决啊??急用!!谢谢!!
2013-08-21 22:44:39

dg2722 pdf datasheet (2 Port,

The DG2722 is 2 port high speed analog switch optimized forUSB 2.0 signal switching. The DG2722
2008-09-28 23:47:3414

DS1629 pdf datasheet (2-Wire D

The DS1629 2-Wire Digital Thermometer and Real Time Clock integrates the critical functions
2008-12-08 15:52:1818

ByteBlasterMV Parallel Port Do

The ByteBlasterMV parallel port download cable (ordering code:PL-BYTEBLASTERMV) is a hardware
2009-01-16 09:19:4941

Reading and Writing iButtons v

Abstract: This application note explains the hardware of different types of 1-Wire® interfaces
2009-03-31 22:22:5824


with a single Centronix-type parallel-port interface. The serial interfaces provide a serial-to-parallel conversion for data received from
2009-04-19 17:01:5121

SMART Transmitter Power Supply KFD2-STV5-Ex1-1

)Input 2-wire and 3-wire SMART transmitters and 2-wire SMART current sourcesOutput
2022-11-08 13:09:35


If you need more transducer excitation current than is availableon a standard 4-20mA 2-wire current
2009-06-13 10:51:3523

Writing Testbench

Writing Testbench:The Quebec Bridge Company was formed in 1887 and for the nextthirteen years, very
2009-07-10 17:30:150

Algorithms and Parallel VLSI A

and compilation for parallel systems is evolving. It is focused especially on domains where embedded systems are required, either oriented t
2009-07-23 08:37:280

8-bit I2C-bus and SMBus IO port with reset

The PCA9557 is a silicon CMOS circuit which provides parallel input/output expansion for SMBus
2009-11-10 14:30:0133

MAX9621,pdf datasheet (2-wire Hall-effect sensors to low voltage microprocessors)

includes the MAX9921. The MAX9621 provides a single-chip solution to interface two 2-wire Hall-effect sensors to low voltage microprocessors
2009-12-17 13:10:4641

Proteus串口资料COMPIM Serial Port

Proteus串口资料COMPIM Serial Port Model The COMPIM model is a Physical Interface Model of a serial port. Incoming serial data is buffered
2010-04-17 16:13:160

2-Wire Intercom circuits-双路对讲机

2-Wire Intercom
2008-03-15 09:47:121024


什么是1-Wire 定义:单线(加地线)通信协议。 1-Wire®串行存储器产品通过单线连接为你的产品添加存储器!
2009-04-20 23:22:093192

新增的Windows NT/2000/XP支持AN3315并

effectively extend the usage of the parallel-port, 2-wire hardware (presented in AN3230) and software (presented in AN3315) to computers operating on
2009-04-24 15:10:47715

Parallel-Port Interface Powers

Abstract: A SOT step-down DC-DC converter efficiently "steals" power from a parallel port while
2009-04-24 15:50:40864


Abstract: The DS1050 is a 5-bit pulse-width modulator (PWM) controlled by a 2-wire bus. This allows
2009-04-26 16:53:491168

新增的Windows NT/2000/XP支持AN3315并

effectively extend the usage of the parallel-port, 2-wire hardware (presented in AN3230) and software (presented in AN3315) to computers operating on
2009-04-28 10:35:50723


Abstract: The DS1050 is a 5-bit pulse-width modulator (PWM) controlled by a 2-wire bus. This allows
2009-04-28 11:05:25928

2-Wire Controlled Digital DIP

Abstract: The DS3904 contains three digitally controlled nonvolatile (NV) variable resistors. It has the capability of placing each of the variable resistors into a high-impedance state. Using this feature, it is possible to create a 2-wir
2009-04-28 11:46:50991


2009-04-30 14:09:291194

高效率升压转换剥夺并口-High-Efficiency St

Abstract: Circuit including a step-up switching converter steals power from a parallel port
2009-05-07 10:04:15657

2-Wire Communication Using Lab

2-Wire Com
2009-05-08 09:08:051778

Overview of 1-Wire Technology

Abstract: This article provides a general overview of the 1-Wire technology, its communication
2009-05-08 11:43:301566

英特尔Parallel Amplifier入门

英特尔® Parallel Amplifier 入门 英特尔® Parallel Amplifier 可分析并提供关于代码性能的信息。英特尔® Parallel Amplifier 能够显示性能
2009-06-17 07:56:57823

Reading and Writing 1-Wire Dev

Reading and Writing 1-Wire Devices Through Serial Interfaces Abstract: This application note
2009-06-27 23:47:581424

A Simple 1-Wire DAC

A Simple 1-Wire DAC Abstract: Connecting the outputs of a 1-Wire addressable switch (DS2408
2009-10-23 17:44:40953

Reference Design of a 1-Wire B

Reference Design of a 1-Wire Bidirectional Voltage-Level Translator for 1.8V to 5V Abstract
2009-11-16 16:14:141369

什么是AWG (American Wire Gauge)

什么是AWG (American Wire Gauge)  英文缩写: AWG (American Wire Gauge) 中文译名: 美国线规 分  类: 电信管理 解  
2010-02-22 09:52:571442


Abstract: The 1-Wire product family includes numerous devices that can be easily evaluated using
2012-05-15 10:51:2938


Abstract: Communication with 1-Wire slave devices requires a 1-Wire master. There are numerous ways
2012-10-19 17:02:1853

S2S(Services To Signal)测试问答#S2S测试 #SOA

北汇信息POLELINK发布于 2023-01-19 17:37:52


AT24C512——2-wire Serial EEPROM 512K (65536 x 8)
2016-01-06 10:29:4043

Serial To Parallel Converter

Serial To Parallel Converter.多种集合,符合热爱PCB绘图的学习者的胃口,喜欢的朋友下载来学习。
2016-03-21 15:25:210

Parallel To Serial Converter

Parallel To Serial Converter.多种集合,符合热爱PCB绘图的学习者的胃口,喜欢的朋友下载来学习。
2016-03-21 15:23:490

HFSS端口Wave Port和Lumped Port的介绍

Wave Port是HFSS中典型的外部端口,这里所说的外部是指只有一侧有场分布,一般都在边界和背景的交界处。外部端口需要通过传输线的方式才能将激励信号加入到结构中,而外部端口通常会定义成传输线
2017-11-22 16:35:0129287

英特尔并行演播室XE 2016有什么新意?

® Parallel Studio XE has powerful new capabilities to assist in writing fast, reliable code that runs in parallel. Join the technical experts at Intel as they
2018-10-30 07:34:001465

图形界面工具Wire Editing(一)

首先,Wire Editing的对象是WireWire的类型,我们可以分为Regular wire和Special wire。这个大家肯定知道它们的区别吧,Regular wire就是我们平常
2020-05-19 16:23:423303

如何计算该8位1-Wire CRC

2021-05-14 11:47:502562

AD7380/AD7381: What are the pros and cons of a Serial 2 wire mode and serial 1 wire mode?

AD7380/AD7381: What are the pros and cons of a Serial 2 wire mode and serial 1 wire mode?
2021-02-02 09:24:0914

AD5306/AD5316/AD5326:2.5V对5.5 V、400 A、2-Wire接口、Quad Voltion输出8/10/12位数据Sheet

AD5306/AD5316/AD5326:2.5V对5.5 V、400 A、2-Wire接口、Quad Voltion输出8/10/12位数据Sheet
2021-04-14 10:28:300

AutoSAR架构中对Port Driver模块有哪些功能呢

IO HardWare Abstraction SW根据用户设置的操作结合Port Driver模块对Port不同模式的设置,发出调用命令,然后Port Driver对Port中的相关寄存器进行操作,从而达到对Port具体Pin脚输入输出的控制。
2023-01-18 16:21:001848


2023-01-16 11:09:10817


本应用笔记讨论了为有兴趣为应用笔记AN2中所述的并行端口硬件开发3230-Wire软件的客户提供的C源代码。源代码可在达拉斯半导体的FTP站点上免费获得,并且可以在任何使用Windows 95或Windows® 98操作系统的PC上运行。
2023-02-20 09:32:38485


本 应用 简报 介绍 了 如何 使用 LabVIEW 通过 PC 串 口 来 控制 2 线 接口。本文以DS1086的接口为例。该 简报 还 介绍 了 如何 配置 LabVIEW 图形 用户 界面 (GUI) 以 与 DS3900 串 口 适配器 通信。举例说明如何操作DS1086低EMI经济振荡器中的寄存器设置™.提供了如何与DS1086通信的详细信息的流程图。
2023-06-09 16:37:53790


本篇应用笔记目的是演示如何使用PC并口构建一种快速、简单和经济的2-Wire(与I²C兼容)接口。本片应用笔记专门为接收或者订购Dallas Semiconductor器件样片且意识到他们需要
2023-06-09 17:08:57625


本文讨论的电路为1-Wire主机控制器,它们均与1-Wire从器件通信。 但是,这些1-Wire主机控制器不能作为单独的主体,需要一个主机(计算机)告诉它们在1-Wire侧如何工作。 主机接口指1-Wire主控制器和“系统中更高级的指挥官”(即主机)之间的连接类型。
2023-06-13 09:40:55608


您可以通过以下方式,在优选设置的Port Cross References区域中设置格式:   Preferences ► Schematic ► General ► Port Cross References
2023-09-15 11:11:38441

MAX11208: 20-Bit, Single-Channel, Ultra-Low-Power, Delta-Sigma ADC with 2-Wire Serial Interface Data Sheet MAX11208: 20-Bit, Single-Channel,

电子发烧友网为你提供ADI(ADI)MAX11208: 20-Bit, Single-Channel, Ultra-Low-Power, Delta-Sigma ADC with 2-Wire
2023-10-13 19:21:09
