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电子发烧友网>通信网络>通信设计应用>Using a PC with a DS3900 to Co

Using a PC with a DS3900 to Co


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持续时间从5s变化到10h *测量后,可以从PC中找到与14585A相同的.dlg。另外* min / max / avg可以从PC中找到txt格式*图表/图表的图片可以在PC上找到 以上来自于谷歌翻译
2018-10-10 17:50:07


into a PC using VB6 with VISA.Everything is configured fine and all the data is accumating
2019-05-30 13:43:22


See how easy it is to configure and monitor measurements from the front panel, or using a PC.
2019-09-29 07:42:09

70207A MMS用户指南的PC显示器

70207A PC Display for MMS User's Guide.Part number is 70207-90008.
2019-02-22 06:44:43

A 160 W CRT TV Power Supply using NCP1337

A 160 W CRT TV Power Supply using NCP1337Valley switching converters, also known asquasi?resonant
2009-03-27 16:03:33

A Low-Noise-Amplifier at 1.9 GHz using BFP405

This application note describes a low noise amplifier at 1.9GHz using SIEMENSSIEGET a25 BFP405.
2009-05-12 14:10:12

A Low-Noise-Amplifier shows good Noise Figure performance at 1.9 GHz using BF

This application note describes a low noise amplifier at 1.9GHz using SiemensSIEGETa25 BFP405.
2009-05-12 13:36:57

A Low-Noise-Amplifier with good IP3outperformance at 1.9 GHz using BFP420

This application note describes a low noise amplifier at 1.9GHz using SIEMENSSIEGETa25 BFP420.
2009-05-12 13:33:19

A Medium-Power-Amplifier at 1.9 GHz using BFP450

, circuit layout and measured data of a medium power amplifier at1.9GHz using Siemens SIEGET? BFP450.
2009-05-12 13:39:47

A Model Checking Example--Solving Sudoku Using Simulink Design Verifier

Formal verification methods prove mathematically that a design does not contain unwanted behavior.
2011-07-18 09:39:54


实施例说明本文就CO传感器的实例加以说明。首先,就实例 1 采用市售的 cdO ,对其添加 A n 量的效果加以说 明。(1)实旋例 1在市 售 的氧 化镉 (CdO ) 内将 氯 金 酸(H
2018-05-03 10:19:55


2023-03-29 21:45:49


2019-11-06 07:24:53

DS51917A MCP3907电能表参考设计

2020-03-18 10:11:19

DS-5 5.17 官方开发工具 Linux 32位

of programming flash devices using DS-5: using a Keil Flash Method and using a Custom Flash Method written
2014-10-15 16:59:55

DS-5 5.17 官方开发工具 Windows 32位

of programming flash devices using DS-5: using a Keil Flash Method and using a Custom Flash Method
2014-10-15 12:48:02

DS-5旗舰版 checkout for ... Product.CPU.Cortex-A53 was denied

DS-5 旗舰版 64位版本编译代码的时候,提示下面的错误:checkout for feature Product.CPU.Cortex-A53 was denied by product
2014-11-06 10:31:25

Using the ATF1500(A) CPLD

The ATF1500(A) is a high-performance,high-density Flash-based complex PLD.It has flexible
2009-05-13 10:09:39

AD15的安装警告you are not using a valid license

安装altium designer 15后警告you are not using a valid license,该怎么办?
2019-01-30 09:38:27

Advantages of Using a MicroMonitor and a Simple Application Demonstrating the

, and DIP.Advantages of Using a Dallas Semiconductor DS1232 MicroMonitorPower-on Reset Delay Allows Board Resources
2008-09-24 17:04:32


2021-04-03 16:50:57

Can_Llce_DS_Can2Can_S32G274A_M7示例的S32DS 3.5错误怎么解决?

我在打开 S32DS 3.5 中的 Can_Llce_DS_Can2Can_S32G274A_M7 项目时收到了附件。是否可以共享此项目支持的 S32DS 版本? 我正在使用 RTD 4.0.0 和 LLCE 1.5.0。
2023-05-05 06:38:21

DSO-X 3054A怎么下载和上传文件到PC

我刚开始使用DSO-X 3054A。我可以使用“Agilent Connection Expert”程序将掩码文件从PC上传(调用)到示波器。我可以使用该程序将屏幕图像从示波器下载(保存)到PC。我
2019-01-23 06:21:20

Estimation of IMU and MARG orientation using a

Estimation of IMU and MARG orientation using a
2016-08-17 12:23:29

J3920A DS-3 ATMProbe用户指南

The Keysight J3920A and J3973A DS-3 ATMProbes are MIPS-based,SNMP-managed ATM interface monitors for DS-3 Asynchronous Transfer Mode(ATM) networks.
2019-07-02 11:35:37


说明:1. 根据官方的说明,DS-MDK应该属于MDK Pro的一部分,似乎是在暗示我们XX机通用。2. DS-MDK的编辑是基于Eclipse的,所以编辑功能还是比较强劲的,当前A系仅作飞思卡尔
2016-09-16 16:08:55

Keysight N3900A模块化光网络测试仪

Keysight N3900A模块化光网络测试仪
2019-08-12 14:30:10

Keysight N3900A模块化网络测试仪主机1.0版用户指南

This user's guide contains information for using the Keysight N3900A Modular Network Tester Mainframe.
2019-07-02 06:00:15

Keysight N3900A模块化网络测试仪数据表

Technical specifications and information for the Keysight N3900A Modular Network Tester.
2019-09-10 09:02:05


标题真的说明了一切。 LSM9DS1的引脚说明表明DEN_A / G引脚是加速度计/陀螺仪数据使能。这听起来很重要,但我无法在数据表中的任何地方看到它解释了您的意图。我可以将其绑定到3.3V
2018-09-30 10:31:02

PI3WVR31313A用于Notebook,AIO和PC应用的DP ++源参考原理图

PI3WVR31313A用于Notebook,AIO和PC应用的DP ++源参考原理图。 PI3WVR31xxxA开关系列旨在为笔记本电脑,AIO,PC,开关盒,扩展坞,显示器和HDTV应用中的(PI3WVR31313A,PI3WVR31212A)切换HDMI 1.4b的高速信号实现高性能
2020-07-19 12:36:54

Quick guide to making a mobile app for the TI SensorTag using JavaScript

be quite a challenge to develop mobile applications for the Internet of Things (IoT) using Bluetooth
2018-06-21 08:56:26

RN4870/71 PICtail Plus子板可以作为两个PC之间的Com Link吗?

,每一个连接到一个单独的PC通过USB电缆提供的方块。继RN870/71子板用户指南(DS5000 02547 A),我能够通过大部分的CH3快速启动指南。此外,我已经下载了智能发现AP到我的三星手机
2018-09-14 16:01:41


bta_hf_client_co_cb (*bta_hf_client_co_cb_ptr)#endif这是要把HFP_DYNAMIC_MEMORY 改成FALSE?还是别的?默认编译不通过。同样配置例程pipeline_a2dp_sink_and_stream顺利完成。
2023-03-10 06:13:17


“owner-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com”。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文>I want to make a "easy" controler with small PC
2018-09-04 16:38:37


Distributed emulation for Toshiba R3900 family offers a very flexible development environment
2019-02-26 12:12:44


我制作了一个板,它有CPLD和CY7C68 13A,当我连接到PC,有时PC无法识别它。我下载的柏树适合USB 3.4.1我改变了我自己的cyu***.inf供应商(这是= % vid_0547
2019-08-20 11:23:40

使用PC控制3458A设备没有响应* IDN?

try to control 3458A using a pc, but the communication failed as below :- 1) Via Keysight
2018-10-11 16:47:26


2019-07-24 06:51:56


2_Val,CO2_RANGE=5000;unsigned char num[] = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A','B', 'C
2014-08-10 19:13:40


in LabVIEW) for transmitter testing. The use case is as follows. VSA will run on a PC connected to PSA
2019-02-15 13:11:30


USB线? 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文How can I tranfer a csv file to a PC laptop?The DataLink program seems to only
2019-02-15 08:37:58


hello guys, if it possible i can get ur help in this matter, i got a data that i need to get from
2019-01-10 16:05:05

怎么将文件从ENA复制到PC(VC ++)

analyzer. I am using a remote GPIB-USB-B connection from my PC to ENA and I am using Visual C++
2018-12-12 16:03:04


翻译以下为原文 Hi, we are upgrading our product from a LSM9DS0 to a LSM9DS1.During testing, we are unable
2018-11-09 09:46:34


2020-06-28 10:57:12


现货艾默生ph玻璃电极3900-02-10***艾默生ph玻璃电极3900-01-10罗斯蒙特ph电极3900-01-12罗斯蒙特39003900VP pH / ORP组合传感器用于可靠的pH或
2021-06-02 10:26:37


2021-08-30 16:33:32

理论上 DS_A~DS_EN4这些变量应该随着时间信号的变化而变化,请问这个ise的仿真哪出问题了

(//Clock Input:48MinputCLK,//Digital tubeoutputDS_A,DS_B,DS_E,DS_F,DS_C,DS_D,DS_G,DS_DP,outputDS_EN1,DS
2018-05-08 22:07:46


3900-01-10罗斯蒙特228-02-21-54-61罗斯蒙特644HAI5J6M5罗斯蒙特2051CD4A22A1AB4K7M5HR5 罗斯蒙特TREXLHPKLWS1 罗斯蒙特2051CG5A22A1AS1B4E1M5D4C1Q4Q8+1199WDE66AFFWG4DBB3 艾默生TREXLHPKLWS1S
2021-08-27 09:26:30


2021-05-27 06:53:19

Using the DS1631 Temperature S

INTRODUCTIONThe DS1631 was designed to be software compatible with the DS1621 in most applications
2009-04-17 12:08:1320

Using the DS1631 Temperature S

INTRODUCTIONThe DS1631 was designed to be software compatible with the DS1621 in most applications
2009-04-18 10:11:4122


2009-05-19 17:21:32321


本文简要介绍了温度传感器DS18B20 的特性及工作原理,给出了DS18B20 与单片机、单片机与PC 机间的接线图,并介绍了如何实现温度采集以及与PC 机间的数据通讯。PC 可把接收到的单
2009-09-10 16:20:42161


2022-12-25 09:55:33

Using the DS4412 to Margin the

Using the
2009-01-06 13:45:20776


运用LabView控制DS3900串口通信模块 本篇应用笔记讨论了DS3900串口通信模块和LabView的使用问题,LabView是适用于嵌入式应用的图形化界面开发平台。本文可作为面向DS3900的L
2009-01-06 13:52:391060

Using the DS32kHz with Dallas

Using the DS32kHz with Dallas Real-Time Clocks Abstract: This application note describes how
2009-03-31 22:27:51678

#硬声创作季 #FPGA Xilinx入门-22A DDS原理详解-2

水管工发布于 2022-10-09 02:05:37

White Paper 2: Using the 1-Wir

is a completely open source, portable C library to create a 1-Wire master using the DS2480B serial
2009-04-17 09:37:101021

Using the DS32kHz with Dallas

Abstract: This application note describes how to reduce current consumption when using the DS
2009-04-17 10:17:42806

DS21352/DS21552 versus DS2152

Abstract: This application note will help with the migration from a current design using the DS
2009-04-20 10:13:54653

DS2141A, DS2142, DS2151, DS215

loopback application using the Dallas Semiconductor/Maxim DS2141A, DS2142, DS2151, or DS2153. With Elastic Store Disabled DS21
2009-04-20 10:39:41882

Tech Brief 7: DS2152 and DS215

system backplane using the Dallas Semiconductor/Maxim DS2152 and DS2154 T1/E1 single chip tranceivers (SCTs). The DS2155, DS26528, DS26524, DS
2009-04-20 10:46:001036

DS21Q4x, DS215x, and DS21x5y T

Abstract: Some special functions are not derivable by using the normal transmit and receive side
2009-04-20 10:48:32851

Using DS4510/DS4520/DS4550 to

software download become unusable for any reason. This application note describes how the DS4510, DS4520, and DS4550 non-volatile I/O expande
2009-04-20 11:08:51995

使用DS1307的PIC单片机-Using a DS1307

Abstract: This application note is intended to demonstrate an application using the DS
2009-04-21 09:50:441359

使用DS32kHz达拉斯实时时钟-Using the DS3

Abstract: This application note describes how to reduce current consumption when using the DS
2009-04-21 10:49:551099

Using the DS4412 to Margin the

Using the
2009-04-23 08:42:35898

PC Chipset Power Fail and Rese

Abstract: The following application note discusses the advantages of using the DS1632 PC Power Fail
2009-04-23 09:59:261485

Using a PC's RS-232 Serial

Using a PC
2009-04-24 15:58:201318


2009-04-28 11:38:27729


Abstract: This application note will help with the migration from a current design using the DS
2009-04-29 10:03:34568

DS2152 and DS2154 8MHz System

system backplane using the Dallas Semiconductor/Maxim DS2152 and DS2154 T1/E1 single chip tranceivers (SCTs). The DS2155, DS26528, DS26524, DS
2009-04-29 10:24:571000


2009-05-07 11:30:40507

Using a PC with a DS3900 to Co

Abstract: This application note describes how to use the DS3900 PC serial port to 3-wire interface
2009-05-08 09:09:22696

Use a DS3900 to Evaluate I&sup

Use a DS3900 to Evaluate I²C-Compatible Devices for Successful Bidirectional Communication
2009-09-27 11:30:291035


学习电子发布于 2022-11-20 11:31:54

DS80PC 资料

DS80PC 资料,供给大家下载参开,谢谢
2016-07-01 15:43:591


的方式使用PC的串口线。的ds3900利用MAX3223 RS232收发器将串口信号水平从12V电压水平的微处理器。然后,微处理器能够通过使用其通用异步收发器(UART)通信到PC机。为ds3900功能框图如图1所示。有关更多信息,请参阅ds3900数据表。
2017-04-07 16:08:347


在本视频短片中,Maebh Coleman将向您介绍如何利用OneWireViewer免费软件实现DS1922 iButton与PC之间的通信。
2018-10-08 03:55:004926

使用带 DS3900PCDS1267、DS1867 和 DS1868 通信

2022-11-18 23:45:250


2023-01-10 10:43:48467


本 应用 笔记 是 基于 LabView 的 DS3900 接口 用户 指南。要使用此应用程序,用户需要安装LabView。提供标准VI供用户加载和运行程序。本 应用 说明 的 LabView 代码 可 下载 (ZIP, 321K)。
2023-01-10 13:57:26838


本应用笔记介绍如何使用DS3900 PC串口转3线接口与DS1267、DS1867和DS1868三个数字电位器通信,DS3900DS3223和DS232使用该移位寄存器接口进行编程。DS
2023-02-25 11:06:19766


(GUI) 以 与 DS3900 串 口 适配器 通信。举例说明如何操作DS1086低EMI经济振荡器中的寄存器设置™.提供了如何与DS1086通信的详细信息的流程图。
2023-06-09 16:37:53790

DS9034PC+ - (Maxim Integrated) - 存储器 - 电池

2023-08-21 18:59:28

DS9034PC - (Maxim Integrated) - 存储器 - 电池

2023-08-21 19:01:11
