dynamic range RF sampling receiver solutionLow-phase noise clocking solution for RF sampling ADC
2018-09-30 09:40:04
早该进行的校准有关。执行校准时,6632B没有问题地进入CAL模式,我可以选择P1并输入该校准点的测量电压,但是当我输入P2的值并确认时,我总是得到'OUT OF RANGE'消息和校准中止。这有
2018-10-11 16:42:46
Out of Band Spurious Measurement for Bluetooth Modules:This application notes describes the out
2009-09-24 09:09:48
各位工程师,请教一下,在data sheet的Table 1 中只给出了在Measurement Rang在±2 g range的情况下的Output Chang 数据,ADI公司是否有测试过或者有
2019-01-10 14:22:15
The IBM43RF0100 Silicon-Germanium (SiGe) HighDynamic Range, Low-Noise Transistor is a
2009-05-12 11:35:41
本次发布 Gowin SPDIF Transmitter IP 及其用户指南。Gowin SPDIF Transmitter IP 的用户指南可在高云官网下载。
2022-10-09 06:44:01
大佬们,我在进行proteus仿真时候,一直显示CLIMIT linear range is less than zero. [U2_OUT1_CL1],是指电容限制小于0,应该怎么改啊,单片机控制正常,用示波器查看示波器也一直没有显示。
2023-05-10 13:51:08
在rt studio中,开启RTC 开启alarm 使用data可以正常查看设置时间但是alarm没有执行回调函数 ,alarm使用的示便代码无论怎么设置闹钟,好像闹钟时间都是当前时间减8小时msh
2022-10-12 11:25:50
芯片类型stm32F407ZGT6,用rt threadstudio进行调试,rtthread 版本用的是4.0.3,studio中seting 设置开启rtc驱动组件和alarm驱动组件
2023-05-17 14:14:33
SPDIF Transmitter控制器用户手册主要包括功能特点、整体框图、工作原理、信号定义、参数介绍、GUI 调用、接口时序等。目的帮助用户快速了解高云半导体 SPDIF Transmitter 控制器 IP 的产品特性和使用方法,加速用户产品开发。
2022-10-09 07:36:23
不了watchdog timeout alarm,如果在不解锁的情况下,强制修改SCU_WDTSCON0寄存器的 lck位,ALM3[17]可以报出Alarm
2024-01-30 07:06:14
Lockout feature (UVLO), sense comparatorwith alarm output and automatic shutdown,independent
2009-05-12 09:50:07
目前我在学习用 stm32 的低功耗模式,打算通过wakerup timer 或 alarm 来唤醒。现在对这两项功能还有些疑惑:wakeup timer唤醒mcu后,是否可以操作wakeup
2017-02-02 19:52:51
2014-03-28 15:33:41
我使用 tmr.alarm 功能,我从来没有让脚本自行运行几天。
我的问题是,tmr.alarm 可以工作多长时间而不会中断?有超时吗?
2023-04-27 08:15:46
下图中为什么会提示“out of Range"呢?AD620不支持单电源应用吗?发现将参考电压设到1.53V,这个错误提示就会消失。
2018-10-26 09:24:19
noise, high dynamic range RF sampling receiver solutionLow-phase noise clocking solution for RF sampling ADC
2018-09-28 09:00:24
signed value is out of range -32768 -- 32767. address='fff69cf8'Warning (ln100): e:\hew\tools\renesas
2020-05-19 11:17:51
);//数据输入CLK_IN : in std_logic;//时钟DATA_OUTT : out bit_vector(47 downto 0);DATA_OUTID: out bit_vector
2016-09-14 16:43:55
2022-07-22 10:49:12
Mux" 1root@am57xx-evm:~# aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav注意:音频LINE_OUT对应的设备文件为/dev
2017-11-27 09:24:25
连接过程中发生了如下的报错: 请看 FOB.JPGStatus = 15 表示 ESP_BT_STATUS_PARAM_OUT_OF_RANGE 错误。我尝试更改过 Code: [Select
2023-02-09 09:44:41
连接过程中发生了如下的报错: 请看 FOB.JPGStatus = 15 表示 ESP_BT_STATUS_PARAM_OUT_OF_RANGE 错误。conn_params.latency = 0
2023-03-07 06:42:58
连接过程中发生了如下的报错: 请看 FOB.JPGStatus = 15 表示 ESP_BT_STATUS_PARAM_OUT_OF_RANGE 错误。conn_params.latency = 0
2023-03-14 07:23:45
连接过程中发生了如下的报错: 请看 FOB.JPGStatus = 15 表示 ESP_BT_STATUS_PARAM_OUT_OF_RANGE 错误。我尝试更改过 Code: [Select
2023-03-03 09:13:29
功能背景想使用RT-Thread 基于STM32F1系列的RTC 与 Alarm(闹钟功能)实现项目定时控制的要求。实现环境WIN10操作系统、RT-Thread Studio2.1.0
2022-09-15 14:42:15
have done previously using the e4438C so that I can blank the RF when the waveform transmission
2018-10-11 16:48:23
TMS320F28377S,仿真器XDS200,直接加载.out文件,报错信息:C28xx_CPU1: Error adding memory map range: invalid page
2017-10-24 14:19:16
进行2812程序下载调试,编译的时候没有报错,构建的时候出现这种错误,怎么修改!ERROR: argument to option -f ("value") is out of range
2016-10-13 02:14:03
我认为这两个值适用于 HDR(高动态范围)。我对吗?1. 如果是这样,是否可以对 VL53L0X_VCSEL_PERIOD_PRE_RANGE
2022-12-16 09:11:57
2019-05-20 07:33:43
本帖最后由 电子人steve 于 2018-5-23 21:22 编辑
2018-05-22 02:43:31
;rtdbg.h> static struct rt_rtc_device rtc_device; #ifdef RT_USING_ALARM静态 rt_err_t
2022-03-21 10:52:06
: keywords: hilexin (index = 1)Fail: index is out of range, the min index is 1, the max index is 1I (804
2023-03-10 09:19:40
我在弄IAS的时候没有参考例程,遇到很多困难。看到有关于Fire Alarm System的例程,麻烦谁可以给我发一份,十分感谢!
2018-06-01 07:11:43
The RF2513 is a monolithic integrated circuit intended foruse as a low-cost frequency synthesizer
2008-08-29 13:23:13
9 The RF layouts include all necessary circuitry to design the radio frequency part of ashort range
2008-09-08 17:34:37
18 NF and a 7.1dB conversion loss for an RF frequency range of 1700MHz to 2200MHz to support UMTS/WCDMA, DCS, and PCS base-station transmitter
2009-02-16 12:56:00
15 quality natural sounds, andopens the door for LSIs to beincluded in a wide range ofapplications. The MSM9831 can be
2009-05-15 15:34:47
13 19.3 W Wide Range Flyback Power Supply using TOP243Y:This document is an engineering report
2009-07-01 00:23:26
13 The AD8312 is a complete, low cost subsystem for the measurement of RF signals in the frequency
2009-08-27 16:18:09
20 The AD8314 is a complete low cost subsystem for the measurement and control of RF signals
2009-08-27 16:28:37
40 RF tests for WiMedia based radios:Example PHY Compliance Tests– Transmitter• Transmit Center
2009-09-26 18:45:54
4 representation of an audio signal which, when decoded and reproduced, sounds the same as the original signal, while using a minimum of dig
2009-09-30 20:01:15
22 when a hard wind blows the traffic slows:
2009-10-05 07:38:13
8 Controlling Impedances When Nets Branch Out:It is not uncommon for a driver to drive
2010-01-15 10:25:04
0 applications at 850 - 950 MHz.CC1190 is a range extender for the sub-1 GHz low-power RF transceivers, transmitters, and System-on-Chip d
2010-05-31 13:33:10
34 OverviewRI-RFM-006A is a CMOS-technology based RF-module IC which integrates all
2010-06-29 18:50:46
22 goesup quickly when the equipment doesn’t perform aspromised. Stalled manufacturing lines, drawn-out development times, the
2010-07-16 21:55:27
7 The TL499A is an integrated circuit designed to provide a wide range of adjustable regulated supply
2010-10-01 23:12:56
23 the alarm with no delay. Some RF immunity is provided for long wiring runs by the input capacitors
2006-04-16 17:58:48
956 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A4/36/wKgZomUMMyuAD7x-AABKyhY1bLg654.gif)
Touch-activated Alarm,Attach trigger wire to the latch nut/bolt Isolate this Latch from any other metal parts
2008-03-12 22:41:49
684 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A4/52/wKgZomUMM6qANIjkAAEY06nTtpE364.jpg)
Transmitter Reference Design for a 900MHz Full-Duplex Radio
Abstract: This reference design
2008-08-18 13:47:25
918 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A4/61/wKgZomUMM_OAfs_OAAAl8mXgg-M628.gif)
MAX2597 Femto基站比特至RF无线发送器
The MAX2597 complete monolithic Bands II and V direct-conversion
2009-03-02 14:40:33
570 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A4/9B/wKgZomUMNPSAPb4PAABJnjvI9sw915.gif)
Abstract: This application note shows how to maintain the proper impedances when laying out
2009-04-18 12:06:11
890 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A4/C5/wKgZomUMNaCAFDi6AAAZUsDHA4Y636.gif)
Abstract: A loss of AC power during darkness (sensed by a photoresistor) turns on an array of battery-powered white LEDs. To conserve power, a timer turns off the LEDs after a particular period of time (for example, 10 minutes).
2009-04-27 09:05:14
767 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A4/D1/wKgZomUMNc-AMaPuAABGsnm8-mY615.gif)
Abstract: A loss of AC power during darkness (sensed by a photoresistor) turns on an array of battery-powered white LEDs. To conserve power, a timer turns off the LEDs after a particular period of time (for example, 10 minutes).
2009-05-06 10:16:51
854 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A4/D9/wKgZomUMNfKAQ-xmAABGsnm8-mY709.gif)
900MHz全双工无线发射器参考设计,Transmitter Reference Design for a 900MHz Full-Duplex Radio
2009-06-27 23:36:57
1635 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A5/11/wKgZomUMNsmATrrrAAAl8mXgg-M862.gif)
Medium range transmitter
2009-12-22 10:02:47
1078 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A5/68/wKgZomUMOEqALyfPAAF8AiBAfP4933.jpg)
FM跟踪发射器FM Tracking Transmitter Kit (small)
This kit is the small version of the FM 108 MHz
2009-12-22 10:14:06
2373 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A5/68/wKgZomUMOEqAVan8AABhO9yOO84834.gif)
Crosby direct FM transmitter blocck diagram
2009-12-22 10:49:02
1907 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A5/68/wKgZomUMOEuAcQbTAABv7PuNe7A377.jpg)
Stereo FM transmitter block diagram
2009-12-22 10:52:43
1454 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A5/68/wKgZomUMOEuAQAguAABwxmkCTG4536.jpg)
PLL FM Transmitter block diagram
2009-12-22 10:53:44
1758 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A5/68/wKgZomUMOEuAI0cbAABgq4a298k852.jpg)
FM Transmitter
A portable FM transmitter that can be used to replace a FM microphone.
2009-12-22 10:55:00
1865 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A5/68/wKgZomUMOEuABRoiAAAfzjYs_Fs688.gif)
AM Transmitter
Notes:Please read the disclaimer on this
2009-12-22 10:56:35
1420 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A5/68/wKgZomUMOEuAIEzSAABuNlT7uHY958.jpg)
Surveillance Transmitter Detector
Notes:My site contains a few low power transmitt
2009-12-22 11:05:16
1105 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A5/68/wKgZomUMOEuAUSoSAAAuodjcAYY931.jpg)
FM Transmitter Circuit
Parts List: R1 4K7
2009-12-22 11:09:37
1438 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A5/68/wKgZomUMOEuATvC5AABnC5d2nhs510.jpg)
Problem What range of dielectric constants you could be realize with your PCB materials? 
2009-12-29 09:26:53
668 什么是TV-OUT
即TV信号直接输出接口。TV输出(TV out)是一种相对新的
2010-01-22 12:31:21
1556 激光发射器/接收器电路 LASER Transmitter/Receiver
This set of two circuits from the basis for a very simple
2010-02-05 15:23:26
5418 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A5/76/wKgZomUMOIqAYLjMAABD-_cFLjo381.jpg)
, eavesdropping microphones, and other spying devices that emit RF frequencies in the 100MHz to 3000MHz range. A modification to this circuit not onl
2011-08-25 18:14:31
828 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A5/F9/wKgZomUMOxWAKniAAAAP4Hj63Ag284.gif)
for a direct RFradio transmitter. The application note summarizes the RF transmitter architectures of zero-IF, complex IF, high (real) IF,and
2012-05-24 11:51:22
104 When I started writing the first edition of RF Power Amplifiers for Wireless Communications,some
2013-09-12 16:42:49
168 【好程序系列】Proteus在MCS&ARM中的应用之Alarm
2016-01-20 15:20:01
4 FPGA_Alarm_Clock,好东西,喜欢的朋友可以下载来学习。
2016-02-22 14:46:39
0 interface range命令
2016-12-17 10:44:41
4 06-interface range配置
2016-12-24 23:31:18
0 更高的信号电平通常是一个好东西在RF电路。它们会导致增加的信号-噪声比(SNR),并减少由内部电路元件噪声和外部信号噪声所造成的问题。其结果是,更高的信号电平一般简化了许多挑战的RF电路设计。
2017-05-19 09:11:20
9 Based on the IEEE 802.15.4 stack, the ZigBee RF4CE specification provides an industry standard
2017-09-13 10:16:20
7 This article outlines the procedure for a successful RF range test that provides quantitative
2017-09-14 14:58:38
4 a Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) containing an 8-bit MCU, an RF transmitter, and a two-axis (XZ) accelerometer, youre out of excuses for not knowing
2017-09-14 16:49:56
1 indicates the amount of water present in the overhead tank but also gives an alarm when the tank
2018-09-20 18:18:18
877 AD9986: 4T2R Direct RF Transmitter and Observation Receiver Preliminary Data Sheet
2021-01-27 21:50:23
0 Eterna Extended Range Reference Design
2021-02-21 10:41:12
9 SPDIF Transmitter 控制器用户手册主要包括功能特点、整体框图、工作
原理、信号定义、参数介绍、GUI 调用、接口时序等。目的帮助用户快速了
解高云半导体 SPDIF Transmitter 控制器 IP 的产品特性和使用方法,加速用
2022-09-15 09:48:58
1 英飞凌PSC62利用alarm唤醒深度睡眠模式。以达到节能目的。
2023-05-28 12:50:53
418374 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com/web2/M00/88/C6/wKgaomRy2ieAUaIiAADxDy1yChg328.png)
range()函数是Python中的内置函数,用于生成一个整数序列,可以用于循环或创建列表。 range()函数的基本语法是: range(start, stop, step) 参数
2023-11-21 14:46:04
862 在Python中,range()是一个内置函数,用于生成一个整数序列。range()的三个参数分别代表起始值、终止值和步长。下面将详尽、详实和细致地解释这三个参数的含义。 起始值(start):指定
2023-11-21 14:47:42
2280 for-in range 循环是Python中的一种循环结构,用于重复执行一段代码,而且循环次数是已知的。 在Python中,for-in range 循环有以下几种用法: 通过指定循环次数
2023-11-21 14:49:53
4695 Oracle的CASE WHEN语法是一种在数据库查询中使用的条件语句,它提供了一种在SELECT语句中根据条件对结果进行转换或筛选的方法。在本文中,我们将详细介绍Oracle的CASE WHEN
2023-12-06 10:21:21