本文概括了Maxim针对蜂窝、PCS、802.11b、无绳电话以及Bluetooth等应用提供的射频(RF)功率放大器(PA)。列出了工作电压、电源电流、输出功率、封装、功效等参数的对照表,并给出了Maxim PA IC的特点。另外,还提供了一个根据市场应用选择的参考表。
Maxim的RF功率放大器即可应用于线性调制,如QAM和QPSK,也可用于非线性调制,如:FM、FSK等。针对TDMA市场设计的PA在性能上有所改进,如:自动斜率控制可减小频谱扩散,自动斜率控制有助于保持Vcc的稳定、降低VCO牵引。自动热保护功能能够根据需要临时减小输出功率,提供一个坚固、耐用的PA。针对CDMA市场推出的PA能够在城市或远郊CDMA环境下、对于大多数便携终端要求的输出功率电平提供更低的电源电流,CDMA PA在大多数时间工作在较低的输出功率状态。
对于2.4GHz ISM应用,如:802.11b WLAN、Bluetooth、HomeRF及无绳电话,Maxim可提供低成本、超小尺寸(如UCSP封装)的功率放大器,这些PA具有模拟或数字的功率控制、闭环功率控制、动态偏置控制、集成检测器等,并具有较高的效率。
表1. 选择指南: 型号列表
Part Vcc
(V) Icc
(mA) Frequency
(MHz) Pout
(dBm) Class Package PAE
(full) PAE
(derated) Features
MAX2235 2.7 to 5.5 20 idle
610 full 800 to 1000 +30.3 C 20-Pin
TSSOP-EP 47% 22%
+24dBm Analog Gain Control, Auto Power Ramp, Shutdown
MAX2430 3.0 to 5.5 52 800 to 1000 +21.4 AB 16-Pin
SO/QSOP 24% NA Power Control, Shutdown, Drives MAX2601/02
MAX2601 2.7 to 5.5 450 DC to 1000 +30.0 AB/C 8-Pin
PSOPII 54% 18%
+20dBm Power Transistor
MAX2602 2.7 to 5.5 450 DC to 1000 +30.0 AB/C 8-Pin
PSOPII 54% 18%
+20dBm Power Transistor with On-Chip Bias Diode, Power Ramp, Shutdown
MAX2264 2.7 to 5.0 34 idle,
58 avg,
95 full 824 to 849 +28.0 AB 16-Pin
TSSOP-EP 32% 12%
+16dBm IS-98 CDMA U.S., Internal Switch,
Smallest, Most Economical Solution
MAX2265 2.7 to 5.0 83 full 824 to 849 +28.0 AB 16-Pin
TSSOP-EP 37% 7%
+16dBm IS-98 CDMA U.S., TDMA PAE = 40% at +30dBm
MAX2266 2.7 to 5.0 34 idle,
52 avg,
100 full 824 to 849 +28.0 AB 16-Pin
TSSOP-EP 32% 17%
+16dBm IS-98 CDMA U.S., Off-Chip Switch, Lowest Current
MAX2267 2.7 to 4.5 34 idle,
56 avg,
95 full 887 to 925 +27.0 AB 16-Pin
TSSOP-EP 28% 12%
+17dBm IS-98 CDMA Japan, Internal Switch,
Smallest, Most Economical Solution
MAX2268 2.7 to 4.5 90 idle 887 to 925 +27.0 AB 16-Pin
TSSOP-EP 34% 7%
+13.6dBm IS-98 CDMA Japan, PDC PAE = 41% at +29dBm
MAX2269 2.7 to 4.5 34 idle,
50 avg,
100 full 887 to 925 +27.0 AB 16-Pin
TSSOP-EP 29% 17%
+17dBm IS-98 CDMA Japan, Off-Chip Switch, Lowest Current
MAX2240 2.7 to 5.0 65 idle
105 full 2400 to 2500 +20 AB UCSP
3x3 30% NA Bluetooth PA with Digital Power Control, Shutdown
MAX2242 2.7 to 3.6 280 idle
300 full 2400 to 2500 +22.5 AB UCSP
3x4 17%
315mA 6.7%
+13dBm +22.5dBm Output Power at -33dBc ACPR for 802.11b
28.5dB Power Gain
External Bias Control for Current Throttleback
On-Chip Power Detector
Output Power Tunable from +10dBm to +22dBm
MAX2244 3.0 to 3.6 65 idle
172 full 2400 to 2500 +22 AB UCSP
3x3 34.2% NA Integrated Input Match
Internal Bandwidth-Limited Power Ramping
Power Control Range: 0.5V to 2.0V
Supply Current = 170mA at +22dBm
MAX2245 3.0 to 3.6 65 idle
179 full 2400 to 2500 +22 AB UCSP
3x3 29.2% NA Integrated Input Match
Internal Bandwidth-Limited Power Ramping
Power Control Range: 0.9V to 2.0V
Supply Current = 170mA at +22dBm
MAX2246 3.0 to 3.6 42 idle
118 full 2400 to 2500 +20 AB UCSP
3x3 27.8% NA Integrated Input Match
Internal Bandwidth-Limited Power Ramping
Power Control Range: 0.5V to 2.0V
MAX2247 2.7 to 3.6 293 idle
390 full 2400 to 2500 +25 AB UCSP
3x4 24.5% 21%
+22.5dBm High Linear Output Power: +25dBm with < -33dBc ACPR
(1st side lobe) and < -55dBc ACPR (2nd side lobe)
25% Efficiency with Linear Output Power
29dB Power Gain
On-Chip Power Detector
External Bias Control for Current Throttleback
On-Chip Input Matching
0.5µA Shutdown Mode
MAX2251 2.8 to 4.5 205 idle
1029 full 824 to 849 +32.4
3x4 51%