电子发烧友网本频道提供了专业的液晶电视技术文章和液晶电视及数字电视知识及应用资料等;是值得收藏和分享的液晶电视知识栏目。建设点阵图形小组与MAX6952和MAX6953 5x7LE
Abstract: This application note discusses hardware design techniques to build monocolour and bicolour graphic message boards using the MAX6952 and MAX6953 SPI™ and I²C 5x7 matrix LED display drivers. This appli...
2009-04-27 1120
从PC中试验MAX6950和MAX6951 LED显示驱动器
Abstract: This application note describes a PC program, downloadable free, to assist design, evaluation, font design with MAX6950 and MAX6951 7-segment LED display drivers. The MAX6950 and MAX6951 are five-digit and eight...
2009-04-27 969
Abstract: The MAX7219 or MAX7221 7-segment LED display driver can highlight any one digit of its 8 digit display by adding a data multiplexer. This circuit intensifies the brightness of the selected digit to provide a cursor function for d...
2009-04-27 1256
在静态MAX6956和MAX6957 LED驱动器中加入全球
Abstract: This application note discusses techniques to change the intensity of all the LED segments of a display at once (global intensity control) driven by the MAX6956 or MAX6957 static LED drivers. This control is additional to the seg...
2009-04-27 658
Experimenting with the MAX6956
Abstract: This application note describes a PC program, downloadable free, to assist evaluation of the MAX6956 and MAX6957 LED display drivers and GPIO (port expanders). The MAX6956 and MAX6957 are versatile 28-segment LE...
2009-04-27 816
Abstract: This application note uses a web based Java program to allow an engineer to simulate the wide range of display configurations of the MAX6954 and MAX6955 serial interfaced LED display drivers. The tool enables the user to check wh...
2009-04-27 827
添加小组发光强度控制MAX6952和MAX6953 5x7矩
Abstract: This application note discusses techniques to change the intensity of all the LED digits of a display at once (panel intensity control) driven by the MAX6952 or MAX6953 5x7 LED matrix drivers. This control is additional to the di...
2009-04-27 760
Abstract: This application note discusses techniques to change the intensity of all the LED digits of a display at once (global intensity control) driven by the MAX6954 or MAX6955 multiplexed LED drivers. This control is additional to the ...
2009-04-27 1064
Abstract: This application note discusses how to connect the MAX6950 (5 digit) and MAX6951 (8 digit) 7-segment LED display drivers to multiplex dual digit LED displays instead of regular single digit 7 segment displays. T...
2009-04-27 1115
Migrating from the MAX7219 and
Abstract: This application note discusses the similarities and differences, both hardware and software, between the older MAX7219 and MAX7221 LED display drivers and the newer MAX6950 and MAX6951 drivers. These drivers are five-digit or ei...
2009-04-27 724
Abstract: This application note discusses software design techniques to build monocolour and bicolour graphic message boards using the MAX6952 and MAX6953 SPI and I2C 5 x 7 matrix LED display drivers. This application not...
2009-04-27 721
使用MAX7219/7221向更高电压或电流-Using t
Abstract: Techniques to amplify the current and voltage drive capabilities of the MAX7219 and MAX7221 serial interface LED drivers. The MAX7219/7221 is an 8-digit, 7-segment common-cathode multiplexed LED display driver w...
2009-04-27 1715
Charlieplexing - Reduced Pin-C
Abstract: This application note discusses "Charlieplexing" -- a pin-count reducing multiplex technique used by the MAX6950, MAX6951, MAX6954, MAX6955, MAX6958, and MAX6959 LED display drivers. This application note discus...
2009-04-27 705
接线的MAX6958/59向4位时钟显示-Wiring th
Abstract: This application note provides details on how to connect the MAX6958 and MAX6959 LED display drivers to LED displays for clock applications. Standard 1, 2, 3, and 4 digit displays, off-the-shelf clock displays are discussed. A su...
2009-04-27 925
Abstract: This application note provides details on how to connect the MAX6958 and MAX6959 LED display drivers to 5-digit LED displays for panel meter applications requiring the display range -19999 to 19999 with decimal points. ...
2009-04-27 991
Abstract: This application note provides details on how to connect the MAX6958 and MAX6959 LED display drivers to 5-digit LED displays for counter display applications requiring the display range -39999 to 39999 without decimal points. ...
2009-04-27 927
Abstract: A circuit and program listing for using the MAX6955 LED display driver with a PIC microcontroller and 14-segment displays. The MAX6955 is an LED display driver with an I2C™-compatible, serial interface cap...
2009-04-27 1340
Abstract: This application note describes a PC program, downloadable for free, to assist in the evaluation of the MAX7219 and MAX7221 LED display drivers. The MAX7219 and MAX7221 are 8-digit, 7-segment, common-cathode, mu...
2009-04-27 1730
摘要:本文旨在帮助工程师快速掌握MAX6954驱动7段单色LED驱动器的使用方法。 MAX6954是一个通用显示驱动器,能够通过一个串口控制多个分立、7段、14段或16段LED显示器...
2009-04-27 993
摘要:本文旨在帮助工程师快速掌握MAX6954驱动14段单色LED显示器的使用方法。 MAX6954是一个通用显示驱动器,能够通过一个串口控制多个分立、7段、14段或16段LED显...
2009-04-27 1425
摘要:本文旨在帮助工程师快速掌握MAX6954驱动16段单色LED显示器的使用方法。 MAX6954是一个通用显示驱动器,能够通过一个串口控制多个分立、7段、14段或16段LED显示器...
2009-04-27 832
Abstract: The digital, pulse-width-modulation (PWM) output available from many microprocessors is based on an internal 8- or 16-bit counter and features a programmable duty cycle. It is suitable for adjusting the output of an LCD driver, a...
2009-04-27 516
Abstract: This circuit adapts a bias-supply IC for avalanche photodiodes (APDs) to drive a high-voltage string of LEDs, thereby providing adjustable current, software shutdown, and logic indication of open-circuit faults. ...
2009-04-27 866
摘要:通过映射多个按键,可以扩展MAX6959 LED显示驱动器的键盘扫描范围,从8键扩展到12键。该应用笔记介绍了一种扩展扫描的方法。 MAX6959是4位、9段LED驱动器,可自...
2009-04-27 659
摘要:本应用笔记介绍了一种扩展扫描的方法,可以扩展MAX6954和MAX6955 LED显示驱动器的键盘扫描范围,从32键扩展到80键。 MAX6954/MAX6955是4线或2线串行接口的LED驱动器,...
2009-04-27 1141
摘要:该应用笔记详细说明了如何使用MAX6958和MAX6959 LED显示驱动器实现象素级(单个LED)亮度控制。该技术增强了这些驱动器内置的64级整体(一次调整所有LED)亮度控制功能。 ...
2009-04-27 1030
摘要:本应用笔记提供了一个驱动高亮度LED的简单电路,只需很少的外围元件,并提供了线性和PWM亮度调节的功能。非常适合Osram、Lumiled、Cree和Nichia LED。 概述...
2009-04-27 775
电机控制 | DSP | 氮化镓 | 功率放大器 | ChatGPT | 自动驾驶 | TI | 瑞萨电子 |
BLDC | PLC | 碳化硅 | 二极管 | OpenAI | 元宇宙 | 安森美 | ADI |
无刷电机 | FOC | IGBT | 逆变器 | 文心一言 | 5G | 英飞凌 | 罗姆 |
直流电机 | PID | MOSFET | 传感器 | 人工智能 | 物联网 | NXP | 赛灵思 |
步进电机 | SPWM | 充电桩 | IPM | 机器视觉 | 无人机 | 三菱电机 | ST |
伺服电机 | SVPWM | 光伏发电 | UPS | AR | 智能电网 | 国民技术 | Microchip |
开关电源 | 步进电机 | 无线充电 | LabVIEW | EMC | PLC | OLED | 单片机 |
5G | m2m | DSP | MCU | ASIC | CPU | ROM | DRAM |
NB-IoT | LoRa | Zigbee | NFC | 蓝牙 | RFID | Wi-Fi | SIGFOX |
Type-C | USB | 以太网 | 仿真器 | RISC | RAM | 寄存器 | GPU |
语音识别 | 万用表 | CPLD | 耦合 | 电路仿真 | 电容滤波 | 保护电路 | 看门狗 |
CAN | CSI | DSI | DVI | Ethernet | HDMI | I2C | RS-485 |
SDI | nas | DMA | HomeKit | 阈值电压 | UART | 机器学习 | TensorFlow |
Arduino | BeagleBone | 树莓派 | STM32 | MSP430 | EFM32 | ARM mbed | EDA |
示波器 | LPC | imx8 | PSoC | Altium Designer | Allegro | Mentor | Pads |
OrCAD | Cadence | AutoCAD | 华秋DFM | Keil | MATLAB | MPLAB | Quartus |
C++ | Java | Python | JavaScript | node.js | RISC-V | verilog | Tensorflow |
Android | iOS | linux | RTOS | FreeRTOS | LiteOS | RT-THread | uCOS |
DuerOS | Brillo | Windows11 | HarmonyOS |