很多人说它指的是一组扩展的数字世界,它将从我们已经熟悉的数字环境中发展出来,例如用于在线游戏的数字环境。从这个角度来看,元宇宙将是一种增强的扩展现实 (XR) 体验。它将提供新的特性和功能,通过减少人们在现实世界中旅行和进行资源密集型活动的需要,加速社会的数字化转型并增强可持续性。
更紧密集成、可互操作的 XR 技术
更好的 3D 建模和体积视频渲染
这就是为什么 IEEE 标准协会 (IEEE SA) 处于为利益相关者开发范围广泛的元宇宙相关标准和资源的最前沿。利益相关者包括设备和技术开发商、服务提供商、元宇宙设计师、内容创作者、学者、政府机构等。总体目标是定义、开发和部署所需的技术、应用程序和治理实践,以帮助将元宇宙概念转化为实际现实,并推动新市场的发展。
就其本质而言,元宇宙是一个集合空间,它将许多不同的技术融合到新的应用中。作为世界领先的标准制定组织,IEEE SA具有独特的优势,可以领导满足新市场和应用不断变化的需求所需的标准化工作,因为它在必要技术方面拥有广泛而深入的经验。举几个例子:
网络通信——如果没有IEEE网络通信标准,元宇宙就不可能存在。IEEE SA 的连接和电信实践(汇集了来自工业界和学术界的全球利益相关者,以解决对稳健和可持续连接的需求。除此之外,IEEE 802(局域网技术标准系列是实施有线和无线通信的基础。
增强现实 (AR) ——增强现实可能是元宇宙的一种关键类型,与现有的 IEEE 标准直接相关。例如,增强现实学习体验模型的 IEEE 1589 标准(详细介绍了一个总体集成概念模型以及数据规范,说明如何表示活动、学习上下文、特定环境以及 AR 增强学习活动所需的其他潜在的组件,以标准化的交换格式。它降低了需要创建学习体验的用户的入门门槛,这些学习体验将使用传感器和计算机视觉的现实世界交互与 Web 应用程序相结合。
与元宇宙相关的人的因素——随着人们更深入地参与沉浸式体验,如何使这些体验看起来更“真实”并减轻晕动症等身体影响变得越来越重要。IEEE 3079 沉浸式内容人的因素工作组(已经启动了多个标准开发项目来帮助解决这些问题。
道德准则——元宇宙将提供强大的新功能,从一开始就需要道德准则来适当地设计和使用它们。IEEE SA 的一系列白皮书(探讨了 XR 对用户隐私、安全、身份和包容性的影响,及其对教育、医学、金融和其他领域的伦理影响。这项工作还促成了IEEE P7030(的开发,这是 XR 技术伦理评估的推荐标准。
超空间交易协议 (HSTP) – 数据计算的进步,特别是在网络物理领域,迫切需要不同硬件和软件系统之间的互操作性,以及人类和数字系统之间的信任、隐私和安全。IEEE P2874 标准项目(的创建就是为了提供这种急需的协议。
推动未来方向 - IEEE元宇宙标准委员会
为了继续满足不断变化的市场需求,IEEE 最近成立了元宇宙标准委员会 (CTS/MSC)(来开发和维护元宇宙的标准、推荐做法和指南。该标准委员会取代了之前的虚拟现实与增强现实标准委员会,是全球主要标准组织中第一个专注于推进元宇宙相关技术和应用的委员会。
随着这个标准委员会的成立,还有两个开创性的标准和两个行业联系 (IC) 活动,以孵化业界非常感兴趣的元宇宙主题的新想法。
元宇宙的开创性 IEEE 标准
IEEE SA 针对元宇宙的两个新标准项目是来自全球主要标准组织的第一个和第二个元宇宙标准项目。一个专注于为元宇宙开发人员提供一致的词汇和清晰的路线图的需要,而另一个致力于元宇宙系统的设计和操作的道德考虑。
IEEE P2048 – 元宇宙标准:术语、定义和分类法(。目前,元宇宙行业还处于起步阶段,对此有很多炒作、困惑和误解。即使是在基本术语、定义和分类方面也缺乏共识,不仅会误导早期采用者,还会对进步造成不必要的障碍。IEEE P2048 将定义元宇宙的词汇、类别和级别,以便为正在进行的讨论建立共同基础,促进元宇宙相关活动的可持续发展和元宇宙市场的健康成长。
IEEE P7016 – 元宇宙系统符合道德标准的设计和操作标准(。该标准将提供元宇宙系统的技术社会方面的高级概述,并指定用于其设计和操作的道德评估方法。它指导元宇宙开发人员如何调整他们的流程,以优先考虑符合道德规范的系统设计;定义关于可访问性和功能安全的道德体系内容;并就如何在元宇宙系统的研究、实施和扩散中促进道德一致的价值观和公众积极参与提供指导,以增加人类福祉和环境可持续性。
元宇宙的新行业连接 (IC) 活动
IEEE SA 的行业连接 (IC) 计划(旨在为快速发展的技术(如元宇宙)孵化新标准和相关产品和服务。该计划促进参与者之间的合作和共识的建立。它为他们提供了 IEEE 资源,用于生成标准提案等可交付成果;白皮书和报告;活动;数据库和注册服务;软件工具和网络服务等。
IEEE SA 最近推出了两项专门针对元宇宙的新 IC 活动。
元宇宙持久计算推进计划(针对的是VR 和元宇宙之间的异同。许多 VR 体验都是一次性的,例如在游戏中。但元宇宙需要一致性和持久性,而要实现这一点,需要各种技术来构建、运营和升级元宇宙体验。这些技术包括但不限于计算、存储、通信、数据结构、人工智能 (AI) 等。该 IC 将促进关于持久计算的讨论和合作;指导和建议元宇宙的研究和开发;并为持久虚拟世界和元宇宙提供技术指南和参考实现。
IEEE SA 的元宇宙相关活动正在迅速扩展。IEEE Metaverse Congress(IEEE全球元宇宙大会)(包含由IEEE SA 基础技术实践发起的一系列研讨会,旨在与涉及元宇宙技术开发、设计、治理等方面的专家一起提供一个全球和全面的元宇宙视图。
袁昱, IEEE标准协会候任主席
Srikanth Chandrasekaran,IEEE标准协会基础技术实践负责人
Why Are Standards Important for the Metaverse?
IEEE SA Drives Standardization Efforts to Pave the Road to the Metaverse
Designing and building metaverse environments come with many challenges, from technical issues to socio-technical considerations.
IEEE SA is at the forefront of developing a range of standards and resources, to help turn metaverse concepts into practical realities, and drive new markets.
Join our Metaverse Community today ( to help advance the metaverse technology and applications.
What Does Metaverse Mean?
We increasingly hear the term “metaverse,” but what does it really mean, and how will it be used?
Some say it refers to an expanded set of digital worlds that will grow out of the digital environments with which we are already familiar, such as those used for online gaming. In this view, the metaverse will be an enhanced extended reality (XR) experience. It will offer new features and capabilities that will accelerate the digital transformation of society and enhance sustainability, by reducing the need for people to travel and perform resource-intensive activities in the physical world.
Others take a different view. Their view of the metaverse is that it should be a decentralized ecosystem that empowers users to create digital assets of their own choosing and engage in digital commerce. According to this definition, because the metaverse architecture would be open, decentralized, and without gatekeepers, it would serve to democratize the internet by making it transparent, accessible, and interoperable to everyone.
Although both of these viewpoints are based on the idea that a metaverse enables virtual interactions in real-time, clearly, the metaverse concept means different things to different people. But however it may evolve, one thing is for certain: the metaverse has tremendous potential to fundamentally transform the ways we work, learn, play, and live our lives.
What are the Key Challenges to the Metaverse?
Designing and building metaverse environments also come with many challenges, ranging from technical issues to socio-technical considerations.
Technical challenges to the metaverse include:
Better user interfaces
Lower system latency
More tightly integrated, interoperable XR technologies
Better 3D modeling and volumetric video rendering
Better ways to acquire, render, store and protect geospatial data
Lower power consumption
How we interact with the internet
With regard to socio-technical challenges, a consensus is needed to address the wide variety of views held on issues such as user identity and credentialing, privacy, openness, ethics, accessibility, and user safety.
That is why IEEE Standards Association (IEEE SA) is at the forefront of developing a sweeping range of metaverse-related standards and resources for stakeholders, who include device and technology developers, service providers, metaverse designers, content creators, academics, government agencies, and others. The overarching goal is to define, develop, and deploy the technologies, applications, and governance practices needed to help turn metaverse concepts into practical realities, and drive new markets.
Building on Existing Technologies and Evolving into New Applications
By its nature, the metaverse is a collective space that converges many diverse technologies into new applications. As the world’s leading standards development organization, IEEE SA is uniquely positioned to lead the standardization efforts required to meet evolving needs of new markets and applications, given its broad and deep range of experience with the necessary technologies. To mention a few examples:
Connectivity – A metaverse could not exist without IEEE standards for connectivity. IEEE SA’s Connectivity and Telecom Practice ( gathers global stakeholders from the industry and academia to address the need for robust and sustainable connectivity. In addition, the IEEE 802 family of local area network technical standards, for example, is fundamental to implementing wired and wireless communications.
Augmented reality (AR) – Augmented reality is likely to be a key type of the metaverse, and existing IEEE standards are directly relevant. For example, IEEE 1589 Standard for Augmented Reality Learning Experience Model (, details an overarching integrated conceptual model, along with data specifications, on how to represent activities, the learning context, the specific environment, and potentially other components needed for AR-enhanced learning activities, in a standardized interchange format. It lowers entry barriers for users who need to create learning experiences that integrate real-world interactions using sensors and computer vision, with web applications.
Metaverse-related human factors – As people engage more deeply with immersive experiences, how to make those experiences seem more “real” and to alleviate physical effects such as motion sickness become increasingly important. The IEEE 3079 Working Group on Human Factors for Immersive Content (, for example, has initiated several standards development projects to help address these issues.
Ethical guidelines – The metaverse will offer powerful new capabilities, and ethical guidelines are needed from the outset to design and use them appropriately. A series of white papers by IEEE SA ( explores the impact of XR on user privacy, safety, identity, and inclusion, and its ethical implications on education, medicine, finance, and other areas. The work has also led to the development of IEEE P7030, a recommended practice for the ethical assessment of XR technologies.
Hyperspace Transaction Protocol (HSTP) – Advances in data computation, particularly in the cyber-physical realm, are in urgent need of interoperability among disparate hardware and software systems, as well as trust, privacy, and security between human and digital systems. The IEEE P2874 standard project ( was created to provide this much-needed protocol.
Driving Future Directions - IEEE Metaverse Standards Committee
To continue to serve the shifting marketing needs, IEEE has recently established the Metaverse Standards Committee (CTS/MSC) ( to develop and maintain standards, recommended practices, and guides for the metaverse. This Standards Committee replaces the former Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Standards Committee and is the first committee in major SDOs worldwide that focuses on advancing metaverse-related technologies and applications.
Along with the formation of this Standards Committee are two pioneering standards and two Industry Connections (IC) activities to incubate new ideas on metaverse topics of great interest to industry.
Pioneering IEEE Standards for the Metaverse
IEEE SA’s two new standards projects for the metaverse are the first from any major global standards development organization. One addresses the need to provide a consistent vocabulary and a clear roadmap for metaverse developers, while the other deals with ethical considerations for the design and operation of metaverse systems.
IEEE P2048 – Standard for Metaverse: Terminology, Definitions and Taxonomy ( Right now the metaverse industry is in its infancy and there is much hype, confusion, and misunderstanding about it. The lack of consensus even on basic terminology, definitions, and taxonomy not only can mislead early adopters, but can also create unnecessary barriers to advancement. IEEE P2048 will define the vocabulary, categories, and levels of a metaverse in order to establish a common ground for ongoing discussions, facilitate the sustainable development of metaverse-related activities, and promote the healthy growth of metaverse markets.
IEEE P7016 – Standard for Ethically Aligned Design and Operation of Metaverse Systems ( This standard will provide a high-level overview of the techno-social aspects of metaverse systems, and specify an ethical assessment methodology for use in their design and operation. It guides metaverse developers on how to adapt their processes to prioritize ethically aligned design of their systems; defines ethical system content with regard to accessibility and functional safety; and provides guidance on how to promote ethically aligned values and robust public engagement in the research, implementation, and proliferation of metaverse systems, in order to increase human well-being and environmental sustainability.
New Industry Connections (IC) Activities for the Metaverse
IEEE SA’s Industry Connections (IC) program ( is designed to incubate new standards and related products and services for rapidly developing technologies such as the metaverse. The program facilitates collaboration and consensus-building among participants. It provides them with IEEE resources used to produce deliverables such as standards proposals; white papers and reports; events; databases and registration services; software tools and web services; among others.
IEEE SA has recently launched two new IC activities specifically for the metaverse.
The Decentralized Metaverse Initiative ( is aimed at developing the economic and governance infrastructure for decentralized metaverses. The goal of this work is to develop and provide guidelines for implementing decentralized metaverses, which not only could capitalize on intellectual property and virtual assets in decentralized ways, but also could benefit from other potential features of decentralized architectures.
The Persistent Computing for Metaverse Initiative ( addresses the similarities and differences between VR and a metaverse. Many VR experiences are one-time occurrences, such as in a game. But a metaverse requires consistency and persistence, and to achieve it, various technologies are required to build, operate, and upgrade metaverse experiences. These include but aren’t limited to computation, storage, communications, data structures, artificial intelligence (AI), and so forth. This IC will facilitate discussions and collaborations on persistent computing; steer and advise on metaverse research and development; and provide technical guidelines and reference implementations for persistent virtual worlds and metaverse.
Join IEEE SA in Advancing the Metaverse
The metaverse has the potential to be one of the most significant technological developments in human history. But to realize its potential, it needs the talents and experience of technology developers, software experts, device manufacturers, academic researchers, and many others.
IEEE SA’s metaverse-related activities are expanding rapidly. The IEEE Metaverse Congress (, a series of webinars launched by the IEEE SA Foundational Technologies Practice, aims to provide a global and comprehensive view of the Metaverse with experts who are involved with metaverse technology development, design, governance, and other aspects.
We invite you to get involved to help develop this exciting new area, advance your organization’s viewpoint, and engage with others who, like you, want to take part in something big and meaningful for the world. Join our Metaverse Community today (
Yu Yuan, IEEE SA President-Elect
Srikanth Chandrasekaran, IEEE SA Foundational Technologies Practice Lead