OLED模块: VCC --> 3.3V GND --> GND SCL --> PB10 SDA --> PB11 DHT11模块: DATA --> PB9 VCC --> 3.3V GND --> GND KEY模块(这部分笔者直接使用了正点原子精英板上的): KEY0 --> PE4 KEY1 --> PE3 KEY_UP --> PA0
随着工业化和自动化的发展,如今基本上所有项目都离不开显示终端。而多级菜单更是终端显示项目中必不可少的组成因素,其实 TFT-LCD 屏幕上可以借鉴移植很多优秀的开源多级菜单(GUI,比如:LVGL),而0.96寸的OLED屏幕上通常需要自己去适配和编程多级菜单。
4.1 索引法多级菜单实现
typedef struct { u8 current; //当前状态索引号 u8 next; //向下一个 u8 enter; //确定 6u8 back; //退出 void (*current_operation)(void); //当前状态应该执行的操作 } Menu_table;
Menu_table table[30]= { {0,0,1,0,(*home)}, //一级界面(主页面) 索引,向下一个,确定,退出 {1,2,5,0,(*Temperature)}, //二级界面 温湿度 {2,3,6,0,(*Palygame)}, //二级界面 游戏 {3,4,7,0,(*Setting)}, //二级界面 设置 {4,1,8,0,(*Info)}, //二级界面 信息 {5,5,5,1,(*TestTemperature)}, //三级界面:DHT11测量温湿度 {6,6,6,2,(*ControlGame)}, //三级界面:谷歌小恐龙Dinogame {7,7,9,3,(*Set)}, //三级界面:设置普通外设状态 LED {8,8,8,4,(*Information)}, //三级界面:作者和相关项目信息 {9,9,7,3,(*LED)}, //LED控制 };
uint8_t func_index = 0; //主程序此时所在程序的索引值 void Menu_key_set(void) { if((KEY_Scan(1) == 1) && (func_index != 6)) //屏蔽掉索引6下的情况,适配游戏 { func_index=table[func_index].next; //按键next按下后的索引号 OLED_Clear(); } if((KEY_Scan(1) == 2) && (func_index != 6)) { func_index=table[func_index].enter; //按键enter按下后的索引号 OLED_Clear(); } if(KEY_Scan(1) == 3) { func_index=table[func_index].back; //按键back按下后的索引号 OLED_Clear(); } current_operation_index=table[func_index].current_operation; //执行当前索引号所对应的功能函数 (*current_operation_index)();//执行当前操作函数 } //按键函数 u8 KEY_Scan(u8 mode) { static u8 key_up=1; if(mode)key_up=1; if(key_up&&(KEY0==0||KEY1==0||WK_UP==1)) { HAL_Delay(100); //消抖 key_up=0; if(KEY0==0)return 1; else if(KEY1==0)return 2; else if(WK_UP==1)return 3; }else if(KEY0==1&&KEY1==1&&WK_UP==0)key_up=1; return 0; }说明2点:
if((KEY_Scan(1) == 1) && (func_index != 6)) //屏蔽掉索引6下的情况,适配游戏 { func_index=table[func_index].next; //按键next按下后的索引号 OLED_Clear(); } if((KEY_Scan(1) == 2) && (func_index != 6)) //屏蔽掉索引6下的情况,适配游戏 { func_index=table[func_index].enter; //按键enter按下后的索引号 OLED_Clear(); }
4.2 内部功能实现(简化智能手表)
4.3 KEY按键
4.4 DinoGame实现
谷歌公司最近比较流行的小游戏,笔者之前有文章进行了STM32的成功复刻。博客地址: 谷歌小恐龙在线 — 免费玩谷歌小恐龙 (dino.zone)
4.5 LED控制和DHT11模块
2、SYS配置:Debug设置成Serial Wire(否则可能导致芯片自锁);
6.1 OLED驱动代码
#ifndef __OLED_H #define __OLED_H #include "main.h" #define u8 uint8_t #define u32 uint32_t #define OLED_CMD 0 //写命令 #define OLED_DATA 1 //写数据 #define OLED0561_ADD 0x78 // OLED I2C地址 #define COM 0x00 // OLED #define DAT 0x40 // OLED #define OLED_MODE 0 #define SIZE 8 #define XLevelL 0x00 #define XLevelH 0x10 #define Max_Column 128 #define Max_Row 64 #define Brightness 0xFF #define X_WIDTH 128 #define Y_WIDTH 64 //-----------------OLED IIC GPIO进行模拟---------------- #define OLED_SCLK_Clr() HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIOB, GPIO_PIN_10, GPIO_PIN_RESET) //GPIO_ResetBits(GPIOB,GPIO_Pin_10)//SCL #define OLED_SCLK_Set() HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIOB, GPIO_PIN_10, GPIO_PIN_SET) //GPIO_SetBits(GPIOB,GPIO_Pin_10) #define OLED_SDIN_Clr() HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIOB, GPIO_PIN_11, GPIO_PIN_RESET) // GPIO_ResetBits(GPIOB,GPIO_Pin_11)//SDA #define OLED_SDIN_Set() HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIOB, GPIO_PIN_11, GPIO_PIN_SET) // GPIO_SetBits(GPIOB,GPIO_Pin_11) //I2C GPIO模拟 void IIC_Start(); void IIC_Stop(); void IIC_WaitAck(); void IIC_WriteByte(unsigned char IIC_Byte); void IIC_WriteCommand(unsigned char IIC_Command); void IIC_WriteData(unsigned char IIC_Data); void OLED_WR_Byte(unsigned dat,unsigned cmd); //功能函数 void OLED_Init(void); void OLED_WR_Byte(unsigned dat,unsigned cmd); void OLED_FillPicture(unsigned char fill_Data); void OLED_SetPos(unsigned char x, unsigned char y); void OLED_DisplayOn(void); void OLED_DisplayOff(void); void OLED_Clear(void); void OLED_On(void); void OLED_ShowChar(u8 x,u8 y,u8 chr,u8 Char_Size); u32 oled_pow(u8 m,u8 n); void OLED_ShowNum(u8 x,u8 y,u32 num,u8 len,u8 size2); void OLED_ShowString(u8 x,u8 y,u8 *chr,u8 Char_Size); #endif
#include "oled.h" #include "asc.h" //字库(可以自己制作) #include "main.h" /********************GPIO 模拟I2C*******************/ //注意:这里没有直接使用HAL库中的模拟I2C /********************************************** //IIC Start **********************************************/ void IIC_Start() { OLED_SCLK_Set() ; OLED_SDIN_Set(); OLED_SDIN_Clr(); OLED_SCLK_Clr(); } /********************************************** //IIC Stop **********************************************/ void IIC_Stop() { OLED_SCLK_Set() ; OLED_SDIN_Clr(); OLED_SDIN_Set(); } void IIC_WaitAck() { OLED_SCLK_Set() ; OLED_SCLK_Clr(); } /********************************************** // IIC Write byte **********************************************/ void IIC_WriteByte(unsigned char IIC_Byte) { unsigned char i; unsigned char m,da; da=IIC_Byte; OLED_SCLK_Clr(); for(i=0;i<8;i++) { m=da; // OLED_SCLK_Clr(); m=m&0x80; if(m==0x80) {OLED_SDIN_Set();} else OLED_SDIN_Clr(); da=da<<1; OLED_SCLK_Set(); OLED_SCLK_Clr(); } } /********************************************** // IIC Write Command **********************************************/ void IIC_WriteCommand(unsigned char IIC_Command) { IIC_Start(); IIC_WriteByte(0x78); //Slave address,SA0=0 IIC_WaitAck(); IIC_WriteByte(0x00); //write command IIC_WaitAck(); IIC_WriteByte(IIC_Command); IIC_WaitAck(); IIC_Stop(); } /********************************************** // IIC Write Data **********************************************/ void IIC_WriteData(unsigned char IIC_Data) { IIC_Start(); IIC_WriteByte(0x78); //D/C#=0; R/W#=0 IIC_WaitAck(); IIC_WriteByte(0x40); //write data IIC_WaitAck(); IIC_WriteByte(IIC_Data); IIC_WaitAck(); IIC_Stop(); } void OLED_WR_Byte(unsigned dat,unsigned cmd) { if(cmd) { IIC_WriteData(dat); } else { IIC_WriteCommand(dat); } } void OLED_Init(void) { HAL_Delay(100); //这个延迟很重要 OLED_WR_Byte(0xAE,OLED_CMD);//--display off OLED_WR_Byte(0x00,OLED_CMD);//---set low column address OLED_WR_Byte(0x10,OLED_CMD);//---set high column address OLED_WR_Byte(0x40,OLED_CMD);//--set start line address OLED_WR_Byte(0xB0,OLED_CMD);//--set page address OLED_WR_Byte(0x81,OLED_CMD); // contract control OLED_WR_Byte(0xFF,OLED_CMD);//--128 OLED_WR_Byte(0xA1,OLED_CMD);//set segment remap OLED_WR_Byte(0xA6,OLED_CMD);//--normal / reverse OLED_WR_Byte(0xA8,OLED_CMD);//--set multiplex ratio(1 to 64) OLED_WR_Byte(0x3F,OLED_CMD);//--1/32 duty OLED_WR_Byte(0xC8,OLED_CMD);//Com scan direction OLED_WR_Byte(0xD3,OLED_CMD);//-set display offset OLED_WR_Byte(0x00,OLED_CMD);// OLED_WR_Byte(0xD5,OLED_CMD);//set osc division OLED_WR_Byte(0x80,OLED_CMD);// OLED_WR_Byte(0xD8,OLED_CMD);//set area color mode off OLED_WR_Byte(0x05,OLED_CMD);// OLED_WR_Byte(0xD9,OLED_CMD);//Set Pre-Charge Period OLED_WR_Byte(0xF1,OLED_CMD);// OLED_WR_Byte(0xDA,OLED_CMD);//set com pin configuartion OLED_WR_Byte(0x12,OLED_CMD);// OLED_WR_Byte(0xDB,OLED_CMD);//set Vcomh OLED_WR_Byte(0x30,OLED_CMD);// OLED_WR_Byte(0x8D,OLED_CMD);//set charge pump enable OLED_WR_Byte(0x14,OLED_CMD);// OLED_WR_Byte(0xAF,OLED_CMD);//--turn on oled panel HAL_Delay(100); OLED_FillPicture(0x0); } /******************************************** // OLED_FillPicture ********************************************/ void OLED_FillPicture(unsigned char fill_Data) { unsigned char m,n; for(m=0;m<8;m++) { OLED_WR_Byte(0xb0+m,0); //page0-page1 OLED_WR_Byte(0x00,0); //low column start address OLED_WR_Byte(0x10,0); //high column start address for(n=0;n<128;n++) { OLED_WR_Byte(fill_Data,1); } } } //坐标设置 void OLED_SetPos(unsigned char x, unsigned char y) { OLED_WR_Byte(0xb0+y,OLED_CMD); OLED_WR_Byte(((x&0xf0)>>4)|0x10,OLED_CMD); OLED_WR_Byte((x&0x0f),OLED_CMD); } //开启OLED显示 void OLED_DisplayOn(void) { OLED_WR_Byte(0X8D,OLED_CMD); //SET DCDC命令 OLED_WR_Byte(0X14,OLED_CMD); //DCDC ON OLED_WR_Byte(0XAF,OLED_CMD); //DISPLAY ON } //关闭OLED显示 void OLED_DisplayOff(void) { OLED_WR_Byte(0X8D,OLED_CMD); //SET DCDC命令 OLED_WR_Byte(0X10,OLED_CMD); //DCDC OFF OLED_WR_Byte(0XAE,OLED_CMD); //DISPLAY OFF } //清屏函数,清完屏,整个屏幕是黑色的!和没点亮一样!!! void OLED_Clear(void) { u8 i,n; for(i=0;i<8;i++) { OLED_WR_Byte (0xb0+i,OLED_CMD); //设置页地址(0~7) OLED_WR_Byte (0x00,OLED_CMD); //设置显示位置—列低地址 OLED_WR_Byte (0x10,OLED_CMD); //设置显示位置—列高地址 for(n=0;n<128;n++)OLED_WR_Byte(0,OLED_DATA); } //更新显示 } void OLED_On(void) { u8 i,n; for(i=0;i<8;i++) { OLED_WR_Byte (0xb0+i,OLED_CMD); //设置页地址(0~7) OLED_WR_Byte (0x00,OLED_CMD); //设置显示位置—列低地址 OLED_WR_Byte (0x10,OLED_CMD); //设置显示位置—列高地址 for(n=0;n<128;n++)OLED_WR_Byte(1,OLED_DATA); } //更新显示 } //在指定位置显示一个字符,包括部分字符 //x:0~127 //y:0~63 //mode:0,反白显示;1,正常显示 //size:选择字体 16/12 void OLED_ShowChar(u8 x,u8 y,u8 chr,u8 Char_Size) { unsigned char c=0,i=0; c=chr-' ';//得到偏移后的值 if(x>Max_Column-1){x=0;y=y+2;} if(Char_Size ==16) { OLED_SetPos(x,y); for(i=0;i<8;i++) OLED_WR_Byte(F8X16[c*16+i],OLED_DATA); OLED_SetPos(x,y+1); for(i=0;i<8;i++) OLED_WR_Byte(F8X16[c*16+i+8],OLED_DATA); } else { OLED_SetPos(x,y); for(i=0;i<6;i++) OLED_WR_Byte(F6x8[c][i],OLED_DATA); } } //m^n函数 u32 oled_pow(u8 m,u8 n) { u32 result=1; while(n--)result*=m; return result; } //显示2个数字 //x,y :起点坐标 //len :数字的位数 //size:字体大小 //mode:模式 0,填充模式;1,叠加模式 //num:数值(0~4294967295); void OLED_ShowNum(u8 x,u8 y,u32 num,u8 len,u8 size2) { u8 t,temp; u8 enshow=0; for(t=0;t120){x=0;y+=2;} j++; } }
6.2 谷歌小恐龙游戏图形绘制代码
#ifndef __DINOGAME_H #define __DINOGAME_H void OLED_DrawBMP(unsigned char x0, unsigned char y0,unsigned char x1, unsigned char y1,unsigned char BMP[]); void OLED_DrawBMPFast(const unsigned char BMP[]); void oled_drawbmp_block_clear(int bx, int by, int clear_size); void OLED_DrawGround(); void OLED_DrawCloud(); void OLED_DrawDino(); void OLED_DrawCactus(); int OLED_DrawCactusRandom(unsigned char ver, unsigned char reset); int OLED_DrawDinoJump(char reset); void OLED_DrawRestart(); void OLED_DrawCover(); #endif
#include "oled.h" #include "oledfont.h" #include "stdlib.h" /***********功能描述:显示显示BMP图片128×64起始点坐标(x,y),x的范围0~127,y为页的范围0~7*****************/ void OLED_DrawBMP(unsigned char x0, unsigned char y0,unsigned char x1, unsigned char y1,unsigned char BMP[]) { unsigned int j=0; unsigned char x,y; if(y1%8==0) y=y1/8; else y=y1/8+1; for(y=y0;y128) break; IIC_WriteByte(0x0); IIC_WaitAck(); } IIC_Stop(); } void OLED_DrawGround() { static unsigned int pos = 0; unsigned char speed = 5; unsigned int ground_length = sizeof(GROUND); unsigned char x; OLED_SetPos(0, 7); IIC_Start(); IIC_WriteByte(0x78); IIC_WaitAck(); IIC_WriteByte(0x40); IIC_WaitAck(); for (x = 0; x < 128; x++) { IIC_WriteByte(GROUND[(x+pos)%ground_length]); IIC_WaitAck(); } IIC_Stop(); pos = pos + speed; //if(pos>ground_length) pos=0; } // 绘制云朵 void OLED_DrawCloud() { static int pos = 128; static char height=0; char speed = 3; unsigned int i=0; int x; int start_x = 0; int length = sizeof(CLOUD); unsigned char byte; //if (pos + length <= -speed) pos = 128; if (pos + length <= -speed) { pos = 128; height = rand()%3; } if(pos < 0) { start_x = -pos; OLED_SetPos(0, 1+height); } else { OLED_SetPos(pos, 1+height); } IIC_Start(); IIC_WriteByte(0x78); IIC_WaitAck(); IIC_WriteByte(0x40); IIC_WaitAck(); for (x = start_x; x < length + speed; x++) { if (pos + x > 127) break; if (x < length) byte = CLOUD[x]; else byte = 0x0; IIC_WriteByte(byte); IIC_WaitAck(); } IIC_Stop(); pos = pos - speed; } // 绘制小恐龙 void OLED_DrawDino() { static unsigned char dino_dir = 0; unsigned int j=0; unsigned char x, y; unsigned char byte; dino_dir++; dino_dir = dino_dir%2; for(y=0; y<2; y++) { OLED_SetPos(16, 6+y); IIC_Start(); IIC_WriteByte(0x78); IIC_WaitAck(); IIC_WriteByte(0x40); IIC_WaitAck(); for (x = 0; x < 16; x++) { j = y*16 + x; byte = DINO[dino_dir][j]; IIC_WriteByte(byte); IIC_WaitAck(); } IIC_Stop(); } } // 绘制仙人掌障碍物 void OLED_DrawCactus() { char speed = 5; static int pos = 128; int start_x = 0; int length = sizeof(CACTUS_2)/2; unsigned int j=0; unsigned char x, y; unsigned char byte; if (pos + length <= 0) { oled_drawbmp_block_clear(0, 6, speed); pos = 128; } for(y=0; y<2; y++) { if(pos < 0) { start_x = -pos; OLED_SetPos(0, 6+y); } else { OLED_SetPos(pos, 6+y); } IIC_Start(); IIC_WriteByte(0x78); IIC_WaitAck(); IIC_WriteByte(0x40); IIC_WaitAck(); for (x = start_x; x < length; x++) { if (pos + x > 127) break; j = y*length + x; byte = CACTUS_2[j]; IIC_WriteByte(byte); IIC_WaitAck(); } IIC_Stop(); } oled_drawbmp_block_clear(pos + length, 6, speed); // 清除残影 pos = pos - speed; } // 绘制随机出现的仙人掌障碍物 int OLED_DrawCactusRandom(unsigned char ver, unsigned char reset) { char speed = 5; static int pos = 128; int start_x = 0; int length = 0; unsigned int i=0, j=0; unsigned char x, y; unsigned char byte; if (reset == 1) { pos = 128; oled_drawbmp_block_clear(0, 6, speed); return 128; } if (ver == 0) length = 8; //sizeof(CACTUS_1) / 2; else if (ver == 1) length = 16; //sizeof(CACTUS_2) / 2; else if (ver == 2 || ver == 3) length = 24; for(y=0; y<2; y++) { if(pos < 0) { start_x = -pos; OLED_SetPos(0, 6+y); } else { OLED_SetPos(pos, 6+y); } IIC_Start(); IIC_WriteByte(0x78); IIC_WaitAck(); IIC_WriteByte(0x40); IIC_WaitAck(); for (x = start_x; x < length; x++) { if (pos + x > 127) break; j = y*length + x; if (ver == 0) byte = CACTUS_1[j]; else if (ver == 1) byte = CACTUS_2[j]; else if(ver == 2) byte = CACTUS_3[j]; else byte = CACTUS_4[j]; IIC_WriteByte(byte); IIC_WaitAck(); } IIC_Stop(); } oled_drawbmp_block_clear(pos + length, 6, speed); pos = pos - speed; return pos + speed; } // 绘制跳跃小恐龙 int OLED_DrawDinoJump(char reset) { char speed_arr[] = {1, 1, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 7}; static char speed_idx = sizeof(speed_arr)-1; static int height = 0; static char dir = 0; //char speed = 4; unsigned int j=0; unsigned char x, y; char offset = 0; unsigned char byte; if(reset == 1) { height = 0; dir = 0; speed_idx = sizeof(speed_arr)-1; return 0; } if (dir==0) { height += speed_arr[speed_idx]; speed_idx --; if (speed_idx<0) speed_idx = 0; } if (dir==1) { height -= speed_arr[speed_idx]; speed_idx ++; if (speed_idx>sizeof(speed_arr)-1) speed_idx = sizeof(speed_arr)-1; } if(height >= 31) { dir = 1; height = 31; } if(height <= 0) { dir = 0; height = 0; } if(height <= 7) offset = 0; else if(height <= 15) offset = 1; else if(height <= 23) offset = 2; else if(height <= 31) offset = 3; else offset = 4; for(y=0; y<3; y++) // 4 { OLED_SetPos(16, 5- offset + y); IIC_Start(); IIC_WriteByte(0x78); IIC_WaitAck(); IIC_WriteByte(0x40); IIC_WaitAck(); for (x = 0; x < 16; x++) // 32 { j = y*16 + x; // 32 byte = DINO_JUMP[height%8][j]; IIC_WriteByte(byte); IIC_WaitAck(); } IIC_Stop(); } if (dir == 0) oled_drawbmp_block_clear(16, 8- offset, 16); if (dir == 1) oled_drawbmp_block_clear(16, 4- offset, 16); return height; } // 绘制重启 void OLED_DrawRestart() { unsigned int j=0; unsigned char x, y; unsigned char byte; //OLED_SetPos(0, 0); for (y = 2; y < 5; y++) { OLED_SetPos(52, y); IIC_Start(); IIC_WriteByte(0x78); IIC_WaitAck(); IIC_WriteByte(0x40); IIC_WaitAck(); for (x = 0; x < 24; x++) { byte = RESTART[j++]; IIC_WriteByte(byte); IIC_WaitAck(); } IIC_Stop(); } OLED_ShowString(10, 3, "GAME", 16); OLED_ShowString(86, 3, "OVER", 16); } // 绘制封面 void OLED_DrawCover() { OLED_DrawBMPFast(COVER); }
6.3 谷歌小恐龙的运行控制代码
#ifndef __CONTROL_H #define __CONTROL_H int get_key(); void Game_control(); #endif****
#include "control.h" #include "oled.h" #include "dinogame.h" #include "stdlib.h" unsigned char key_num = 0; unsigned char cactus_category = 0; unsigned char cactus_length = 8; unsigned int score = 0; unsigned int highest_score = 0; int height = 0; int cactus_pos = 128; unsigned char cur_speed = 30; char failed = 0; char reset = 0; int get_key() { if(HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(GPIOE, GPIO_PIN_4)==0) { HAL_Delay(10); //延迟 if(HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(GPIOE, GPIO_PIN_4)==0) { return 2; } } if(HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(GPIOE, GPIO_PIN_3)==0) { HAL_Delay(10); //延迟 if(HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(GPIOE, GPIO_PIN_3)==0) { return 1; } } if(HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(GPIOA, GPIO_PIN_0)==1) { HAL_Delay(10); //延迟 if(HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(GPIOA, GPIO_PIN_0)==1) { return 3; } } return 0; } void Game_control() { while(1) { if(get_key() == 3) //wk_up按键按下强制退出一次循环 { break; } if (failed == 1) { OLED_DrawRestart(); key_num = get_key(); if (key_num == 2) { if(score > highest_score) highest_score = score; score = 0; failed = 0; height = 0; reset = 1; OLED_DrawDinoJump(reset); OLED_DrawCactusRandom(cactus_category, reset); OLED_Clear(); } continue; } score ++; if (height <= 0) key_num = get_key(); OLED_DrawGround(); OLED_DrawCloud(); if (height>0 || key_num == 1) height = OLED_DrawDinoJump(reset); else OLED_DrawDino(); cactus_pos = OLED_DrawCactusRandom(cactus_category, reset); if(cactus_category == 0) cactus_length = 8; else if(cactus_category == 1) cactus_length = 16; else cactus_length = 24; if (cactus_pos + cactus_length < 0) { cactus_category = rand()%4; OLED_DrawCactusRandom(cactus_category, 1); } if ((height < 16) && ( (cactus_pos>=16 && cactus_pos <=32) || (cactus_pos + cactus_length>=16 && cactus_pos + cactus_length <=32))) { failed = 1; } OLED_ShowString(35, 0, "HI:", 12); OLED_ShowNum(58, 0, highest_score, 5, 12); OLED_ShowNum(98, 0, score, 5, 12); reset = 0; cur_speed = score/20; if (cur_speed > 29) cur_speed = 29; HAL_Delay(30 - cur_speed); // HAL_Delay(500); key_num = 0; } }
6.4 多级菜单核心代码:
#ifndef __MENU_H #define __MENU_H #include "main.h" #define u8 unsigned char //按键定义 #define KEY0 HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(GPIOE, GPIO_PIN_4) //低电平有效 KEY0 #define KEY1 HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(GPIOE, GPIO_PIN_3) //低电平有效 #define WK_UP HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(GPIOA, GPIO_PIN_0) //高电平有效 typedef struct { u8 current; //当前状态索引号 u8 next; //向下一个 u8 enter; //确定 u8 back; //退出 void (*current_operation)(void); //当前状态应该执行的操作 } Menu_table; //界面UI void home(); void Temperature(); void Palygame(); void Setting(); void Info(); void Menu_key_set(void); u8 KEY_Scan(u8 mode); void TestTemperature(); void ConrtolGame(); void Set(); void Information(); void LED(); void RTC_display(); #endif
#include "menu.h" #include "oled.h" #include "gpio.h" #include "dinogame.h" #include "control.h" #include "DHT11.h" #include "rtc.h" RTC_DateTypeDef GetData; //获取日期结构体 RTC_TimeTypeDef GetTime; //获取时间结构体 //UI界面 //主页 /****************************************************/ //UI库 /****************************************************/ void (*current_operation_index)(); Menu_table table[30]= { {0,0,1,0,(*home)}, //一级界面(主页面) 索引,向下一个,确定,退出 {1,2,5,0,(*Temperature)}, //二级界面 温湿度 {2,3,6,0,(*Palygame)}, //二级界面 游戏 {3,4,7,0,(*Setting)}, //二级界面 设置 {4,1,8,0,(*Info)}, //二级界面 信息 {5,5,5,1,(*TestTemperature)}, //三级界面:DHT11测量温湿度 {6,6,6,2,(*ConrtolGame)}, //三级界面:谷歌小恐龙Dinogame {7,7,9,3,(*Set)}, //三级界面:设置普通外设状态 LED {8,8,8,4,(*Information)}, //三级界面:作者和相关项目信息 {9,9,7,3,(*LED)}, //LED控制 }; uint8_t func_index = 0; //主程序此时所在程序的索引值 void Menu_key_set(void) { if((KEY_Scan(1) == 1) && (func_index != 6)) { func_index=table[func_index].next; //按键next按下后的索引号 OLED_Clear(); } if((KEY_Scan(1) == 2) && (func_index != 6)) { func_index=table[func_index].enter; //按键enter按下后的索引号 OLED_Clear(); } if(KEY_Scan(1) == 3) { func_index=table[func_index].back; //按键back按下后的索引号 OLED_Clear(); } current_operation_index=table[func_index].current_operation; //执行当前索引号所对应的功能函数 (*current_operation_index)();//执行当前操作函数 } void home() { RTC_display(); OLED_DrawBMP(0,0,20,3,signal_BMP); OLED_DrawBMP(20,0,36,2,gImage_bulethouch); OLED_DrawBMP(112,0,128,2,gImage_engery); OLED_DrawBMP(4,6,20,8,gImage_yes); OLED_DrawBMP(12,4,28,6,gImage_left); OLED_DrawBMP(40,2,88,8,gImage_home); OLED_DrawBMP(99,4,115,6,gImage_right); OLED_DrawBMP(107,6,123,8,gImage_back); } void Temperature() { RTC_display(); OLED_DrawBMP(0,0,20,3,signal_BMP); OLED_DrawBMP(20,0,36,2,gImage_bulethouch); OLED_DrawBMP(112,0,128,2,gImage_engery); OLED_DrawBMP(4,6,20,8,gImage_yes); OLED_DrawBMP(12,4,28,6,gImage_left); OLED_DrawBMP(40,2,88,8,gImage_temp); OLED_DrawBMP(99,4,115,6,gImage_right); OLED_DrawBMP(107,6,123,8,gImage_back); } void Palygame() { RTC_display(); OLED_DrawBMP(0,0,20,3,signal_BMP); OLED_DrawBMP(20,0,36,2,gImage_bulethouch); OLED_DrawBMP(112,0,128,2,gImage_engery); OLED_DrawBMP(4,6,20,8,gImage_yes); OLED_DrawBMP(12,4,28,6,gImage_left); OLED_DrawBMP(40,2,88,8,gImage_playgame); OLED_DrawBMP(99,4,115,6,gImage_right); OLED_DrawBMP(107,6,123,8,gImage_back); } void Setting() { RTC_display(); OLED_DrawBMP(0,0,20,3,signal_BMP); OLED_DrawBMP(20,0,36,2,gImage_bulethouch); OLED_DrawBMP(112,0,128,2,gImage_engery); OLED_DrawBMP(4,6,20,8,gImage_yes); OLED_DrawBMP(12,4,28,6,gImage_left); OLED_DrawBMP(40,2,88,8,gImage_setting); OLED_DrawBMP(99,4,115,6,gImage_right); OLED_DrawBMP(107,6,123,8,gImage_back); } void Info() { RTC_display(); OLED_DrawBMP(0,0,20,3,signal_BMP); OLED_DrawBMP(20,0,36,2,gImage_bulethouch); OLED_DrawBMP(112,0,128,2,gImage_engery); OLED_DrawBMP(4,6,20,8,gImage_yes); OLED_DrawBMP(12,4,28,6,gImage_left); OLED_DrawBMP(40,2,88,8,gImage_info); OLED_DrawBMP(99,4,115,6,gImage_right); OLED_DrawBMP(107,6,123,8,gImage_back); } //按键函数,不支持连按 u8 KEY_Scan(u8 mode) { static u8 key_up=1; if(mode)key_up=1; if(key_up&&(KEY0==0||KEY1==0||WK_UP==1)) { HAL_Delay(100); //消抖 key_up=0; if(KEY0==0)return 1; else if(KEY1==0)return 2; else if(WK_UP==1)return 3; }else if(KEY0==1&&KEY1==1&&WK_UP==0)key_up=1; return 0; } void TestTemperature() { DHT11(); } void ConrtolGame() { Game_control(); } void Set() { OLED_ShowString(0,0,"Peripherals: Lights",16); OLED_ShowString(0,2,"Status: Closed",16); HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIOB, GPIO_PIN_5, GPIO_PIN_SET); } void Information() { OLED_ShowString(0,0,"Author:Sneak",16); OLED_ShowString(0,2,"Date:2022/8/23",16); OLED_ShowString(0,4,"Lab: Multi-level menu",16); } void LED() { OLED_ShowString(0,0,"Peripherals: Lights",16); OLED_ShowString(0,2,"Status: Open",16); HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIOB, GPIO_PIN_5, GPIO_PIN_RESET); } void RTC_display() //RTC???? { /* Get the RTC current Time */ HAL_RTC_GetTime(&hrtc, &GetTime, RTC_FORMAT_BIN); /* Get the RTC current Date */ HAL_RTC_GetDate(&hrtc, &GetData, RTC_FORMAT_BIN); /* Display date Format : yy/mm/dd */ /* Display time Format : hhss */ OLED_ShowNum(40,0,GetTime.Hours,2,16); //hour OLED_ShowString(57,0,":",16); OLED_ShowNum(66,0,GetTime.Minutes,2,16); //min OLED_ShowString(83,0,":",16); OLED_ShowNum(93,0,GetTime.Seconds,2,16); //seconds }