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283 内容数 4.5w 浏览量 16 粉丝

深圳世微AP9231 PFM升压DC -DC恒定电流驱动 大功率LED电源恒流电源

型号: AP9231
品牌: (世微)

--- 产品参数 ---

  • Low start 0.8V ( at Iout=1mA)
  • Output Cur 0~ 500mA
  • Output Cur ±10%
  • High Effic 82%(Type)
  • Only induc Schottky diodes, resistors and

--- 产品详情 ---

1W StepupDC-DCWhiteLED Driver Description: Features: Applications:

AP9231 is a PFM Step-up DC/DC driver IC with invariant current, design for LED applications. Thought the external resistance, output current reach 0mA~500mA. A low ripple, high efficiency step-up DC/DC converter can be constructed of AP9231. with only three external components. Also available is a CE (chip enable) function that reduce power consumption.

 Low start voltage:0.8V ( at Iout=1mA)

 Output Current range:0~ 500mA

 Output Current accuracy:±10%

 Only inductors, capacitors, Schottky diodes, resistors and so few external components

 High Efficiency:82%(Type)

 PACKAGE:SOT-23-5,SOT-89-5

 Power source for high-power LED

 Power source for invariant current 
