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公司主要做传感器、编码器和安全栅,主要品牌有倍加福、MTL、 西克、菲尼克斯。

1.5k 内容数 11w+ 浏览量 20 粉丝

KFD2-UT2-2 安全栅现货直发

型号: KFD2-UT2-2

--- 产品参数 ---

  • KFD2-UT2-2 1

--- 产品详情 ---

参数表节选:的技术参数  KFD2-UT2-2

General specifications
Signal typeAnalog input
Functional safety related parameters
Safety Integrity Level (SIL)SIL 2
Connectionterminals 14+, 15- or power feed module/Power Rail
Rated voltage20 ... 30 V DC
Ripplewithin the supply tolerance
Power dissipation≤ 1.53 W
Power consumptionmax. 1.53 W
Programming interfaceprogramming socket
Connection sidefield side
Connectionterminals 1, 2, 3; 4, 5, 6
RTDtype Pt10, Pt50, Pt100, Pt500, Pt1000 (EN 60751: 1995)
type Pt10GOST, Pt50GOST, Pt100GOST, Pt500GOST, Pt1000GOST (6651-94)
type Cu10, Cu50, Cu100 (P50353-92)
type Ni100 (DIN 43760)
 Measuring currentapprox. 200 µA with RTD
 Types of measuring2-, 3-wire connection
 Lead resistancemax. 50 Ω per line
 Measurement loop monitoringsensor breakage, sensor short-circuit
Thermocouplestype B, E, J, K, N, R, S, T (IEC 584-1: 1995)
type L (DIN 43710: 1985)
type TXK, TXKH, TXA (P8.585-2001)
 Cold junction compensationexternal and internal
 Measurement loop monitoringsensor breakage
Potentiometer0 ... 20 kΩ (2-wire connection), 0.8 ... 20 kΩ (3-wire connection)
Voltageselectable within the range -100 ... 100 mV
Input resistance≥ 1 MΩ (-100 ... 100 mV)
Connection sidecontrol side
Connectionoutput I: terminal 7: source (-), sink (+), terminal 8: source (+), terminal 9: sink(-)
output II: terminal 10: source (-), sink (+), terminal 11: source (+), terminal 12: sink(-)
Output I, IIAnalog current output
 Current range0 ... 20 mA or 4 ... 20 mA
 Fault signaldownscale 0 or 2 mA, upscale 21.5 mA (acc. NAMUR NE43)
 Sourceload 0 ... 550 Ω
open-circuit voltage ≤ 18 V
 SinkVoltage across terminals 5 ... 30 V. If the current is supplied from a source > 16.5 V,
series resistance of ≥ (V - 16.5)/0.0215 Ω is needed, where V is the source voltage.
The maximum value of the resistance is (V - 5)/0.0215 Ω.
Transfer characteristics
 After calibrationPt100: ± (0.06 % of measurement value in K + 0.1 % of span + 0.1 K (4-wire connection))
thermocouple: ± (0.05 % of measurement value in °C + 0.1 % of span + 1 K (1.2 K for types R and S)) , includes ± 0.8 K fault of the cold junction compensation (CJC)
mV: ± (50 µV + 0.1 % of span)
potentiometer: ± (0.05 % of full scale + 0.1 % of span, (excludes faults due to lead resistance))
 Influence of ambient temperaturePt100: ± (0.0015 % of measurement value in K + 0.006 % of span)/K ΔTamb*)
thermocouple: ± (0.02 K + 0.005 % of measurement value in °C + 0.006 % of span)/K ΔTamb*)), influence of cold junction compensation (CJC) included
mV: ± (0.01 % of measurement value + 0.006 % of span)/K ΔTamb*)
potentiometer: ± 0.006 % of span/K ΔTamb*)
*) ΔTamb = ambient temperature change referenced to 23 °C (296 K)
 Influence of supply voltage< 0.01 % of span
 Influence of load≤ 0.001 % of output value per 100 Ω
Reaction timeworst case value (sensor breakage and/or sensor short circuit detection enabled)
mV: 1.2 s, thermocouples with CJC: 1.4 s, thermocouples with fixed ref. temp: 1.4 s, 3- or 4-wire RTD: 1.1 s, 2-wire RTD: 920 ms, Potentiometer: 3-wire connection 2.8 s, 2-wire connection 2.25 s
Galvanic isolation
Input/Other circuitsbasic insulation according to IEC 61010-1, rated insulation voltage 300 Veff
Output/supply, programming inputfunctional insulation, rated insulation voltage 50 V AC
There is no electrical isolation between the programming input and the supply.
The programming cable provides galvanic isolation so that ground loops are avoided.
