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公司主要做传感器、编码器和安全栅,主要品牌有倍加福、MTL、 西克、菲尼克斯。


1.5k 内容数 12w+ 浏览量 21 粉丝

KFA6-SOT2-EX2 安全栅现货直发

型号: KFA6-SOT2-EX2

--- 产品参数 ---

  • KFA6-SOT2- 1

--- 产品详情 ---

参数表节选:的技术参数  KFA6-SOT2-Ex2

General specifications
Signal typeDigital Input
Functional safety related parameters
Safety Integrity Level (SIL)SIL 2
Connectionterminals 14, 15
Rated voltage207 ... 253 V AC, 45 ... 65 Hz
Power dissipation1 W
Power consumptionmax. 1.5 W
Connection sidefield side
Connectionterminals 1+, 2+, 3-; 4+, 5+, 6-
Rated valuesacc. to EN 60947-5-6 (NAMUR), see manual for electrical data
Open circuit voltage/short-circuit currentapprox. 8 V DC / approx. 8 mA
Switching point/switching hysteresis1.2 ... 2.1 mA / approx. 0.2 mA
Line fault detectionbreakage I ≤ 0.1 mA , short-circuit I > 6 mA
Connection sidecontrol side
Connectionoutput I: terminals 7, 8 ; output II: terminals 8, 9
Switching voltagemax. 40 V
Switching currentmax. 100 mA , short-circuit protected
Signal level1-signal: switching voltage - 2.5 V max. at 10 mA switching current or 3 V max. at 100 mA switching current
0-signal: switched off (off-state current ≤ 10 µA)
Output I, IIsignal ; electronic output, passive
Transfer characteristics
Switching frequency≤ 5 kHz
Galvanic isolation
Input/Outputreinforced insulation according to IEC/EN 61010-1, rated insulation voltage 300 Veff
Input/power supplyreinforced insulation according to IEC/EN 61010-1, rated insulation voltage 300 Veff
Output/power supplyreinforced insulation according to IEC/EN 61010-1, rated insulation voltage 300 Veff
Output/Outputnot available
Display elementsLEDs
Control elementsDIP switch
Configurationvia DIP switches
Labelingspace for labeling at the front
Directive conformity
Electromagnetic compatibility 
 Directive 2014/30/EUEN 61326-1:2013 (industrial locations)
Low voltage 
 Directive 2014/35/EUEN 61010-1:2010
Electromagnetic compatibilityNE 21:2012
Degree of protectionIEC 60529
Ambient conditions
Ambient temperature-20 ... 60 °C (-4 ... 140 °F)
Mechanical specifications
Degree of protectionIP20
Connectionscrew terminals
Massapprox. 150 g
Dimensions20 x 119 x 115 mm (0.8 x 4.7 x 4.5 inch) (W x H x D) , housing type B2
Mountingon 35 mm DIN mounting rail acc. to EN 60715:2001
Data for application in connection with hazardous areas
EU-type examination certificatePTB 98 ATEX 2164

II (1) G [Ex ia] IIC


II (1) D [Ex ia] IIIC

 InputEx ia IIC, Ex ia IIIC
 Voltage10.5 V
 Current13 mA
 Power34 mW (linear characteristic)
 Maximum safe voltage253 V AC (Attention! Um is no rated voltage.)
 Maximum safe voltage253 V AC (Attention! The rated voltage can be lower.)
Galvanic isolation 
 Input/inputnot available
 Input/Outputsafe electrical isolation acc. to IEC/EN 60079-11, voltage peak value 375 V
 Input/power supplysafe electrical isolation acc. to IEC/EN 60079-11, voltage peak value 375 V
Directive conformity 
 Directive 2014/34/EUEN 60079-0:2012+A11:2013 , EN 60079-11:2012
